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  1. Feb 13, 2024
  2. Feb 06, 2024
    • Stefan Bürk's avatar
      [TASK] Update `doctrine/dbal:^3.8.1` · ff1931a7
      Stefan Bürk authored
      Doctrine DBAL 3.8.x comes with further deprecations, but
      also with the new `QueryBuilder::reset*()` methods as a
      mitigation for the deprecated generic QueryBuilder methods
      `resetQueryParams()` and `resetQueryParam()`.
      See [1] for release notes and [2] for changes from current
      minimum version towards 3.8.1.
      Raising the minimum version ensures that extension authors
      are able to create TYPO3 v12 and v13 compatible code. At least,
      they can rely on it with the TYPO3 release containing this change
      for non-Composer and Composer mode.
      Used command(s):
      > \
        composer req --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/redirects \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.8.1" ; \
        composer req --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/core \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.8.1" ; \
        composer req --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/install \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.8.1" ; \
        composer req -W \
      [2] h...
  3. Feb 03, 2024
  4. Feb 01, 2024
  5. Jan 25, 2024
  6. Jan 12, 2024
    • Stefan Bürk's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Update doctrine/dbal to ensure performance bugfix · c17e7978
      Stefan Bürk authored
      Doctrine DBAL 3.7.0 introduced a performance issue [1]
      which has been already fixed by the Doctrine Team [2].
      This change updates the `doctrine/dbal` composer constraint
      to ensure that this performance issue is gone.
      Note:   The monorepo composer.lock already containted the
              3.7.2 bugfis release, therefore this has not been
              detected in casual core development. This update
              is to mitigate the performance issue at all costs
              for TYPO3 users.
      As a sideeffect, this should put `composerInstallMin`
      nightly function tests on speed again.
      Used command(s):
      > composer require --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/redirects \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.2" ; \
        composer require --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/core \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.2" ; \
        composer require --no-update --no-install \
          -d typo3/sysext/install \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.2" ; \
        composer require --no-update \
  7. Jan 06, 2024
  8. Jan 04, 2024
    • Benni Mack's avatar
      [TASK] Allow usage of symfony 7 · b03970d9
      Benni Mack authored
      This change enables Symfony 7 in
      addition to symfony 6 in TYPO3.
      Symfony7 requires PHP 8.2, thus
      is not installed by default for the
      time being, as this change is also
      allowed for TYPO3 v12 support when
      running with PHP 8.2 and composer.
      Used commands:
      composer req -W \
       "symfony/config:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/console:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/dependency-injection:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/doctrine-messenger:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/expression-language:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/filesystem:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/finder:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/http-foundation:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/mailer:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/messenger:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/mime:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/options-resolver:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/property-access:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/property-info:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/rate-limiter:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/routing:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/uid:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/var-dumper:^6.4 || ^7.0" \
       "symfony/yaml:^6.4 || ^7.0"
       composer req --dev -W \
       "codeception/codeception:^5.0.13" \
       "codeception/module-filesystem:^3.0.1" \
       "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer:^3.46" \
       "symfony/translation:^6.4 || ^7.0"
      Resolves: #102746
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: I6bbbfb0bc6e26c00fba0010234b5c8b698cf0a81
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    • Anja Leichsenring's avatar
      [TASK] Update locales translation files · 5a4a17fa
      Anja Leichsenring authored
      TYPO3 uses a composer package [1] to import
      locales along with translations and a custom
      script has been added to create and update
      included translation files.
      This change updates the language files with
      the last updates and requires the package
      with the current highest version as minimum.
      Used command(s):
      > composer req --dev \
      > Build/Scripts/ \
          -s checkIsoDatabase \
          -p 8.1
      [1] sokil/php-isocodes-db-i18n
      Resolves: #102747
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: I4d6603484c4fca213c66f0df0feff13bc1011b29
      Tested-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
  9. Dec 28, 2023
  10. Dec 09, 2023
  11. Dec 05, 2023
    • Christian Kuhn's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Allow access to TypoScript overrides for labels in _LOCAL_LANG · 490f1269
      Christian Kuhn authored
      This bugfix enables the possibility to access _LOCAL_LANG
      values from TypoScript properly again via Extbase's
      LocalizationUtility, and thus for <f:translate> ViewHelpers
      as well again.
      This is what has changed under-the-hood:
      The TranslateViewHelper is now only a thin layer
      to Extbase's LocalizationUtility (as before), and only
      checks if a current request or Locale/languageKey is
      given, if a locale can be resolved. Everything else
      is then dispatched to the LocalizationUtility.
      <f:translate> is very clean now and has almost no further
      responsibility than to call LocalizationUtility::translate
      Instead of adding further LocalizationUtility magic,
      overriding of TypoScript is now enabled for any kind
      of plugin which hands in $extensionName. This is achieved
      by building proper Locale objects from the request which
      are then used to build the respective LanguageService.
      As it turned out after the 12.4.0 release, the "Locales"
      class is indeed the factory for creating a Locale, which
      is decoupled from the actual LanguageService (= label magic),
      the Locales factory receives a few create methods to make
      life easier for usage, which both f:translate AND
      LocalizationUtility receive, making their parts much smaller.
      Further work will dissolve the usage of the Configuration
      Manager of Extbase, but this won't happen in v12 anymore.
      Resolves: #100759
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: Ifcad2ec590746e96066a96f314500bd50e9b4695
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
      Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
  12. Dec 04, 2023
  13. Dec 02, 2023
  14. Nov 29, 2023
  15. Nov 27, 2023
  16. Nov 24, 2023
  17. Nov 14, 2023
  18. Nov 07, 2023
  19. Nov 06, 2023
  20. Oct 31, 2023
  21. Oct 30, 2023
  22. Oct 24, 2023
  23. Oct 18, 2023
    • Benjamin Franzke's avatar
      [TASK] Add phpstan check for unneeded pseudo uncertain instanceof usage · 979a4571
      Benjamin Franzke authored
      An `instanceof Type` on `Type|null` is unneeded and is to be replaced by
      a null-check (or modern alternatives like optional chaning or the null
      coalescing operator) in order to avoid narrowing code branches
      unnecessarily. We call them "pseudo" uncertain checks there is no need
      to express uncertainty regarding the type in a condition where native
      type declarations define a specific type *or* null:
        It is `null` or `!null`.
      Definition of a pseudo uncertain instanceof check:
        `$foo instanceof Bar` is fully equivalent to `$foo !== null`,
          when `$foo` is defined (via native PHP types) to be `Bar|null`.
         ⇒ `instanceof` expresses pseudo uncertainty regarding the type.
      From what we have seen in previous gerrit discussions, there were two
      reasons why instanceof was preferred over null checks although being
      1) Cognitive load for an instanceof check is perceived to be lower in
         contrast to negated null (not null) conditions
      2) Preparatory safe-guard against type of $foo being changed at sometime
      1) Cognitive load is a subjective term and the opinions actually differ
         a lot. Some developers prefer narrowing instanceof conditions because
         they claim the desired type for a certain code branch.
         Some others say that's a clear signal for code that needs refactoring
         and perceive a high cognitive load because they do not understand why
         the type is unnecessarily checked if it can only be null or not null.
         Lets call that: "reverse cognitive load".
         That means, this argument basically boils down to
         "congitive load" (for the good "then" case: inner code block) vs
         "reverse cognitive load" (for the bad "else" case: outer code block)
         ⇒ Due to being subjective "cognitive load" is not a good argument to
           base a decision upon.
      2) The second argument is that an instanceof ensures a method that is to
         be called actually exists and doesn't lead to an error – that is a
         "preparatory safe-guard".
         This is true and works, but doesn't "answer" the question,
         what happens if the object is not an instance of the desired type
         (but not null).
         While preparatory safe-guards against the type of variable being
         changed sometime later was probably a pretty good idea for code that
         is not statically analyzed and had no native type declarations, but
         such checks effectively preclude that the type must/should never
         change (which might not be true!) and has no chance of actually
         detecting when that case (type change/extension) ever happens.
         All advantages offered by pseudo uncertain instanceof checks are
         accomplished with static code analysis as well, but with the added
         downside that an `instanceof` hardcodes our human static code
         analysis result, instead of letting the static analyzer do the job.
         To explain that:
         If the type of the variable under test is actually widened (like a
         union type, or change to a base class), it will never be
         automatically detected that there is an instanceof condition that
         restricts the type too narrowly. It will always be valid code from
         static code analysis perspective.
         In comparison to that, static analysis on null-checked variables will
         report invalid method calls or assignments not allowed by the
         (natively defined) types and will notify in case a type change
         requires the code to be adapted.
         We gain the advantage that the code will not be forgotten to
         be updated to a new type.
         That means !== null combined with static code analysis has the same
         level of being a safeguard against the bad cases, while instanceof
         silently transforms new "good"-cases into bugs, where !== null is a
         transparent and secure passthrough.
         Actually to make an uncertain instanceof robust, an elseif branch
         would be needed to be somehow notified about new good-cases without
         silently ignoring them:
         if ($foo instanceof Foo) {
         } elseif ($foo !== null) {
             throw new MustNeverHappenException(…);
      In other words an unneeded pseudo uncertain instanceof check is
      basically like a switch construct without a default case.
      Just to be explicit: Of course, instanceof is fine to be used
      when multiples types are to be expected and handled in different code
      That means pseudo uncertain instanceof usage instead of null-checks is
      an antipattern for the following reasons:
       * It narrow code branches for the sake of less cognitive load
         * The cognitive load appears to be lower, but actually future-bad
           cases are overseen and are never auto-detectable in future – while
           null-checks will resolve to static analysis errors in case the
           input type is *ever* widened (which uncertain `instanceof` checks
           try to prepare for, but actually introduce future-bugs because of
           missing `else` cases)
       * It embraces deep nesting instead of early returns via null-checks
       * It embraces conditions over newer and more elegant PHP techniques
         like optional chaing
       * Tries to "help" the developer by explicitly anotating the
         current type of the variable under test
         ⇒ This is a clear sign of code smell, that needs to refactored into
            smaller chunks and methods and type autocompletion/information
            can be provided by IDEs when using proper types (which this change
            is about) anyway
       * Has zero advantages over static code analysis
      Resolves: #102140
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: I10de41e9744a814c9e24255573b5a5eaf6fb8b0f
      Tested-by: default avatarBenjamin Franzke <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarBenjamin Franzke <>
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
  24. Oct 10, 2023
    • Stefan Bürk's avatar
      [TASK] Upgrade `doctrine/dbal:^3.7.1` · f06bef83
      Stefan Bürk authored
      Recent release for doctrine/dbal containes a
      php docblock change which helps phpstan to
      proper determine types.
      This change upgrades the doctrine/dbal package
      and removes a now superflous entry from the
      phpstan baseline.
      Used command(s):
      > composer req --no-update \
          -d typo3/sysext/core \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.1" \
        && composer req --no-update \
          -d typo3/sysext/redirects \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.1" \
        && composer req --no-update \
          -d typo3/sysext/install \
          "doctrine/dbal":"^3.7.1" \
        && composer req \
      > Build/Scripts/ -s phpstanGenerateBaseline
      Resolves: #102133
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: Iaeba882e0584442c6caac71d3dd1e33ac0a56ef1
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Tested-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
  25. Oct 09, 2023
  26. Oct 07, 2023
  27. Sep 27, 2023
  28. Sep 20, 2023
    • Oliver Hader's avatar
      [TASK] Ensure package dependencies in functional/acceptance tests · a89023e3
      Oliver Hader authored
      This change uses the dependency ordering service in the method
      `\TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Testbase::setUpPackageStates` for
      test scenarios in functional and acceptance tests.
      Besides that the following changes were applied:
      * remove invalid dependency in fixture ext:test_configoverride_second
      * add `PackageStatesTest` to keep track of extension dependencies
      * add dependency to ext:frontend in ext:form, since it overrides
        TCA for the tables tt_content and sys_template (which would result
        in different ext:impexp results due to table field orderings)
      * recreate IRRE related XML fixtures for ext:impexp since fixture
        extensions are now ordered alphabetically (and due to #100734)
      Resolves: #101809
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: I1f91a75ac8aec9db0291b0f5c8bcf7162d5b0082
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
      Tested-by: default avatarStefan Bürk <>
  29. Sep 10, 2023
  30. Sep 08, 2023
  31. Sep 07, 2023
  32. Aug 28, 2023
    • Christian Kuhn's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Avoid static state in LocalizationUtility · 727fb0e5
      Christian Kuhn authored
      The extbase ConfigurationManager is (unfortunately)
      a stateful singleton that we can not get rid of
      without a bigger rewrite.
      While stateful singletons are bad enough, the
      extbase LocalizationUtility makes this worse by
      parking an instance of ConfigurationManager in
      a static property, re-using it as a "cached"
      LocalizationUtility does this since it in itself
      is static, which makes this service just so
      convenient to use. When it comes to sub requests
      and similar, static state is doomed and we need
      to get rid of it, we've had a couple of patches
      in v12 dealing with similar things.
      Mid-term, extbase LocalizationUtility needs to
      vanish anyways, but in the meantime, we have to
      get rid of static state that kills sub request scope.
      The patch removes the static $configurationManager
      property and adapts functional tests that already
      showed the current solution was a hack. There are
      various upper and lower cache layers that ensure
      removing this "cache layer" won't make things more
      expensive in practice, which allows us to remove
      this static state without further fallback.
      In main, this needs a TF update:
      > composer u typo3/testing-framework
      In 12.4, this need a TF raise:
      > composer req --dev typo3/testing-framework:^8.0.3
      Resolves: #101779
      Releases: main, 12.4
      Change-Id: Ie5db07b0475f612a996d369ab3417672b33fbb2d
      Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Tested-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
    • Oliver Klee's avatar
      [TASK] Update PHPStan & friends · 9778ef0d
      Oliver Klee authored
      The new versions find some more possible problems,
      and also improve performance.
      > composer req --dev phpstan/phpstan:^1.10.32
      > composer req --dev phpstan/phpstan-phpunit:^1.3.14
      > ./Build/Scripts/ -s phpstanGenerateBaseline
      Resolves: #101756
      Releases: main, 12.4, 11.5
      Change-Id: I23429a98b25ce340405b8b9dc384869526c6f920
      Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
      Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
      Tested-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
  33. Aug 18, 2023
  34. Aug 03, 2023
  35. Jul 31, 2023