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Commit 8c699f8c authored by Wouter Wolters's avatar Wouter Wolters Committed by Christian Kuhn
Browse files

[BUGFIX] CSV-Download not working in IE and HTTPS backend

When using a HTTPS backend the download of CSV is not
working in Internet Explorer browser versions lower then 9.
Add the needed header to fix this problem.

Change-Id: Iefa63fb37d57491fb73bfd504b6caed5b76c8cac
Resolves: #16491
Releases: 6.2, 6.1, 6.0, 4.7, 4.5
Reviewed-by: Markus Klein
Tested-by: Markus Klein
Reviewed-by: Christian Kuhn
Tested-by: Christian Kuhn
parent ca702ff6
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