Benjamin Mack authored
As discussed in the Core newsgroup, the Tidy functionality should be removed from the TYPO3 CMS Core. The checks and options are removed, and a NEWS note is added. An already released replacement was added to the TER. As the importance is very low, and the drop-in replacement in the TER fits nicely, IMHO there is no need for an upgrade wizard, as nothing breaks if the functionality is missing. Every upgrader should read the NEWS anyway in order to know what to do to have the functionality back. Releases: 6.2 Resolves: #55190 Change-Id: I3101b7e09f36cbaa63b6b5d8930f61242e4e2cc6 Reviewed-on: https://review.typo3.org/26952 Reviewed-by: Wouter Wolters Reviewed-by: Markus Klein Tested-by: Markus Klein Reviewed-by: Georg Ringer Tested-by: Georg Ringer
TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system released under the GNU GPL. TYPO3 is copyright (c) 1999-2013 by Kasper Skaarhoj.
This document provides information about what is new in the 6.2 release of TYPO3. An up-to-date version of this document also containing links to further in depth information can be found here:
System requirement changes
Minimum PHP version requirement raised to PHP 5.3.7. Please upgrade PHP first, if you plan to update from an older TYPO3 installation to 6.2!
PHP 5.4 or later is recommended for improved performance.
Consult INSTALL.md for complete system requirements.
Changes and Improvements
Removed and moved components
- Removed PHP constant PATH_t3lib
- Moved ExtJS- & JavaScript files from t3lib to typo3
SpriteGenerator now supports high density sprites
New default value for cookieHttpOnly setting
The session cookies "fe_typo_user" and "be_typo_user" now have set the HttpOnly attribute by default. This will make it harder to steal the cookie by XSS attacks.
- Logging API PSR-3 compliance
The logger of the Logging API now complies with the PSR-3 standard of the PHP Framework Interop Group: http://www.php-fig.org/psr/3/
- Categorization API improvements
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::makeCategorizable() can now be used multiple times on the same table to add more than one category field. The options array (the fourth parameter) now can contain a 'label' to set a custom label for each category field.