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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 19, 2015
  2. Nov 19, 2014
  3. Oct 29, 2014
    • Markus Klein's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Fix suggest wizard for new CE in flexforms · 87078d5b
      Markus Klein authored
      When having a suggest wizard inside a flexform on a
      new content element edit form, we have the problem that
      we can't load the wizard's config in the AJAX request due
      to missing record information. We don't know what flexform
      definition to load, as we don't know what ctype is requested.
      Two possible solutions exist:
       - Generate the blank record again in the AJAX request, which
         means we have to copy lots of code from the DataPreProcessor.
         Moreover we would still need to pass the defVal GET parameter
         of the EditDocumentController to the AJAX request handler
         somehow, since we need that information in the DataPreProcessor
         to generate the correct dummy record.
       - Push the record to the AJAX request as serialized array
      I chose the second implementation.
      Resolves: #50549
      Releases: master, 6.2, 6.1
      Change-Id: Ic27125d0a901aee10461f88ea49c0f354cb43a54
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMarkus Klein <>
      Tested-by: default avatarMarkus Klein <>
  4. Oct 24, 2014
  5. Oct 23, 2014
  6. Oct 22, 2014
  7. Oct 15, 2014
  8. Oct 07, 2014
  9. Oct 01, 2014
  10. Sep 30, 2014
  11. Sep 23, 2014
  12. Sep 20, 2014
  13. Sep 18, 2014
  14. Sep 11, 2014
  15. Sep 05, 2014
  16. Aug 25, 2014
  17. Aug 23, 2014
  18. Aug 13, 2014
  19. Aug 06, 2014
    • Helmut Hummel's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Fix Extbase language fallback in query parser · acb06c10
      Helmut Hummel authored
      Currently when TYPO3 is configured to do language fallback
      and a record is translated in language A, but not
      in language B and language B is requested, then this
      record is excluded.
      This is the case because of a wrong subselect condition.
      Extbase selects records in the requested translation
      or if no translation is available in the default language.
      However the check if translation is available looks
      for *any* translation not only for a translation in the
      requested language. Thus the record from the default
      language is not selected at all if there are translations
      available in any other language.
      Solution is to change the subselect condition to check
      for the currently requested language.
      Releases: 6.1, 6.2, master
      Resolves: #60613
      Change-Id: I8ebd68e1f5741d3557910ae2f8c2d19474548d01
      Reviewed-by: default avatarHelmut Hummel <>
      Tested-by: default avatarHelmut Hummel <>
  20. Jul 29, 2014
  21. Jul 26, 2014
  22. Jul 25, 2014
  23. Jul 08, 2014
  24. Jul 07, 2014
    • Alexander Bigga's avatar
      [BUGFIX] TCA: handle select renderMode=tree with minitems=1 AND maxitems=1 · 10b853dc
      Alexander Bigga authored
      Using the TCA select renderMode=tree with the option
      minitems=1 AND maxitems=1
      leads to two bugs since TYPO3 4.5:
      First #48943
      * A new table entry won't mark the field selection as required. The yellow
        question mark is missing and you can save the entry.
      * Once you select a checkbox in the tree and unselect it again, the
        required-check is working.
      Second: #31637
      * You load an existing table entry with a selection of e.g. a category
        which has been hidden or deleted. The selected checkbox won't be shown,
        but the required-check fails.
      * Even worse: You can't select another category as the form thinks you
        have already selected one item (maxitem=1). You can fix this only by
        manipulating the database directly.
      The reason for these bugs can be found in
      DataPreprocessor::renderRecord_selectProc(). For maxitems = 1 the
      foreign_table element ids for the tree will be fetched by getDataIdList().
      These elements won't be checked whether they are valid (hidden/deleted).
      This check is done in selectAddForeign() which is used for maxitems > 1.
      The patch uses the same procedure as for maxitems > 1 in case
      of renderMode = tree.
      Resolves: #48943
      Resolves: #31637
      Releases: 6.3, 6.2, 6.1
      Change-Id: I078ff524ea73951f2121d2c233a46bc2ae562952
      Reviewed-by: Markus Klein
      Tested-by: Markus Klein
    • Marc Bastian Heinrichs's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Set internalUploadMap on upload in ExtendedFileUtility · a33b5373
      Marc Bastian Heinrichs authored
      Since introducing FAL the internalUploadMap array in
      ExtendedFileUtility was not set on uploading files.
      Resolves: #58463
      Releases: 6.2, 6.1, 6.0
      Change-Id: I4a537a57f1b688c26c20b9f68356a4be67bc5851
      Reviewed-by: Nicole Cordes
      Tested-by: Nicole Cordes
    • Alexey Gafiulov's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Wrong image reference handling during flexform copying · 316ba859
      Alexey Gafiulov authored
      References in flexforms having type=inline are not processed correctly
      during copy.
      Fix this by properly applying the reference field check.
      Resolves: #59664
      Releases: 6.3, 6.2, 6.1
      Change-Id: I1abfa001ba420531ca0c59903e82b1509e0819e0
      Reviewed-by: Markus Klein
      Tested-by: Markus Klein
  25. Jul 06, 2014
  26. Jul 02, 2014
    • Markus Klein's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Fix usergroup condition in user TSconfig · 5adc991b
      Markus Klein authored
      usergroup conditions in user TSconfig are currently failing as
      the list of groups the user is part of, is not yet compiled when
      the TSconfig is evaluated.
      This can be fixed by moving the group evaluation some lines upwards,
      as this does not influence the remaining code.
      Resolves: #59813
      Releases: 6.3, 6.2, 6.1
      Change-Id: Id3189ea5cd31936bdf538e2bb163ecc2d46ed6a0
      Reviewed-by: Wouter Wolters
      Tested-by: Wouter Wolters
    • Sascha Egerer's avatar
      [BUGFIX] Create workspace label placeholder that matches field conditions · d6ee5a65
      Sascha Egerer authored
      If a workspace placeholder record is generated the field, that
      is configured as label for a table, is filled with a placeholder.
      This is a hardcoded string.
      If database field does not allow strings (integer, double...)
      a TYPO3 warning is displayed. "... Propably value mismatch ...".
      This message is very confusing because the user does not know
      where it comes from.
      The label should be evaluated against the TCA eval configuration
      before it is written to the database.
      Resolves: #31757
      Releases: 6.3, 6.2, 6.1
      Change-Id: I18261359550dcaddaa9bd9ca0dd77f8300e81da9
      Reviewed-by: Sascha Egerer
      Tested-by: Sascha Egerer
      Reviewed-by: Oliver Hader
      Tested-by: Oliver Hader