[BUGFIX] Ensure correct record type for new record in SuggestWizard
FormEngine sends some information as payload with the suggest wizard ajax request to the `SuggestWizardController` as context. The controller loads the record based on the tableName and the uid to determine the recordType to read the correct TCA field configuration, respecting special overrides like `columnsOverrides`. If a new record is created, there is no record uid available and passed to the controller. Therefore, the recordType is not properly determined. That leads to wrong record suggestions, if for example the `allowed` record table is overriden for specific recordTypes. This change adds the recordTypeValue as additional html data attribute to the suggest search field, reads and sends it along with the context payload in the ajax request to the suggest wizard controller, which now uses the passed value while keeping the record retrievement as fallback for now. Suggest records are now directly searched correctly respecting the ...
- Build/Sources/TypeScript/backend/Resources/Public/TypeScript/FormEngineSuggest.ts 2 additions, 0 deletions.../backend/Resources/Public/TypeScript/FormEngineSuggest.ts
- typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Controller/Wizard/SuggestWizardController.php 8 additions, 2 deletions...end/Classes/Controller/Wizard/SuggestWizardController.php
- typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/GroupElement.php 4 additions, 0 deletionstypo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/GroupElement.php
- typo3/sysext/backend/Resources/Public/JavaScript/FormEngineSuggest.js 1 addition, 1 deletion.../backend/Resources/Public/JavaScript/FormEngineSuggest.js
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