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Commit d405041c authored by Ludwig Rafelsberger's avatar Ludwig Rafelsberger Committed by Markus Klein
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[BUGFIX] Correctly validate New Content Element entries

Each entry in the New Content Element wizard is tested to be valid,
i.e. the tt_content_defValues defined by that entry must be allowed
for the current BE user. Also, an entry may not select values that are
removed via TSconfig.

Setting TCEFORM.tt_content.[column].keepItems acts as a whitelist of
allowed values for *that* column. But the validity checks are done
hardcoded against the *CType* column.

Resolves: #23864
Releases: 6.2, 6.1
Change-Id: I5b6578f35552bd571fc822ac72f8f5fe12fe11f7
Reviewed-by: Markus Klein
Tested-by: Markus Klein
parent 06e5ad92
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