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Commit 52dd56a2 authored by Oliver Bartsch's avatar Oliver Bartsch Committed by Christian Kuhn
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[BUGFIX] Extbase ObjectConverter properly handles instantiation

The extbase ObjectConverter - typically used when mapping
request arguments to target domain models - needs more
fine grained handling to drop ObjectManager usages. We
missed some details with #94451.

The patch takes care of this and adds an explanation
together with possible future options to the codebase.

This fixes deprecation log entries triggered by the
belog module.

Resolves: #94807
Related: #94451
Releases: master
Change-Id: Ia1f1c15c1814d53b42d83213778029908332ede0

Reviewed-by: default avatarAnja Leichsenring <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAndreas Fernandez <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Bartsch <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
Tested-by: default avatarAndreas Fernandez <>
Tested-by: default avatarOliver Bartsch <>
Tested-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
parent 14a8aa11
No related merge requests found
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\TypeConverter;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractDomainObject;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\Container\Container;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\InvalidDataTypeException;
......@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ class ObjectConverter extends AbstractTypeConverter
* @param string $propertyName
* @param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration
* @return string
* @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\InvalidTargetException
* @throws InvalidTargetException
* @internal only to be used within Extbase, not part of TYPO3 Core API.
public function getTypeOfChildProperty(string $targetType, string $propertyName, PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration): string
......@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class ObjectConverter extends AbstractTypeConverter
* @param array $convertedChildProperties
* @param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration
* @return object|null the target type
* @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\InvalidTargetException
* @throws InvalidTargetException
* @internal only to be used within Extbase, not part of TYPO3 Core API.
public function convertFrom($source, string $targetType, array $convertedChildProperties = [], PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration = null): ?object
......@@ -242,41 +243,82 @@ class ObjectConverter extends AbstractTypeConverter
* Builds a new instance of $objectType with the given $possibleConstructorArgumentValues. If
* constructor argument values are missing from the given array the method
* looks for a default value in the constructor signature. Furthermore, the constructor arguments are removed from $possibleConstructorArgumentValues
* constructor argument values are missing from the given array the method looks for a default
* value in the constructor signature. Furthermore, the constructor arguments are removed from
* $possibleConstructorArgumentValues: They are considered "handled" by __construct and will
* not be mapped calling setters later.
* @param array $possibleConstructorArgumentValues
* @param string $objectType
* @return object The created instance
* @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\InvalidTargetException if a required constructor argument is missing
* @throws InvalidTargetException if a required constructor argument is missing
protected function buildObject(array &$possibleConstructorArgumentValues, string $objectType): object
if (empty($possibleConstructorArgumentValues) && $this->container->has($objectType)) {
// The ObjectConverter typically kicks in, if request arguments are to be mapped to
// a domain model. An example is ext:belog:Domain/Model/Demand.
// Domain models are data objects and should thus be fetched via makeInstance(), should
// not be registered as service, and should thus not be DI aware.
// However, historically, ObjectManager->get() made *all* classes DI aware.
// Additionally, all to-be-mapped arguments are hand over as "possible constructor arguments" here,
// and extbase is able to use single arguments as constructor arguments to domain models,
// if a __construct() with an argument having the same name as a to-be-mapped argument exists.
// This is the reason that &$possibleConstructorArgumentValues is hand over as reference here:
// If an argument can be hand over as constructor argument, it is considered "already mapped" and
// is not manually mapped calling setters later.
// To be as backwards compatible as possible, without using ObjectManager, the following logic
// is applied for now:
// * If the class is registered as service (container->has()=true), and if there are no
// $possibleConstructorArgumentValues, instantiate the class via container->get(). Easy
// scenario - the target class is DI aware and will get dependencies injected. A different target
// class can be specified using service configuration if needed.
// * If the class is registered as service, and if there are $possibleConstructorArgumentValues,
// the class is instantiated via container->get(). $possibleConstructorArgumentValues are *not* hand
// over to the constructor. The target class can then use constructor injection and inject* methods
// for DI. A different target class can be specified using service configuration if needed. Mapping
// of arguments is done using setters by follow-up code.
// * If the class is *not* registered as service, makeInstance() is used for object retrieval.
// * @todo delete in v12: As compat layer, if a different implementation has been registered
// for the ObjectManager (extbase Container->registerImplementation()), the ObjectManager target class is
// still used in v11, but this is marked deprecated, with makeInstance(), a different implementation should
// be registered as XCLASS if really needed.
// * If there are no $possibleConstructorArgumentValues, makeInstance() is used right away.
// * If there are $possibleConstructorArgumentValues and __construct() does not exist, makeInstance()
// is used without constructor arguments. Mapping of argument values via setters is done by follow-up code.
// * If there are $possibleConstructorArgumentValues and if __construct() exists, extbase reflection
// is used to map single arguments to constructor arguments with the same name and
// makeInstance() is used to instantiate the class. Mapping remaining arguments is done by follow-up code.
if ($this->container->has($objectType)) {
// @todo: consider dropping container->get() to prevent domain models being treated as services in >=v12.
return $this->container->get($objectType);
// @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12: ContainerInterface resolves class names. v12: Drop everything below.
$specificObjectType = $this->objectContainer->getImplementationClassName($objectType);
$classSchema = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($specificObjectType);
if ($specificObjectType !== $objectType) {
// @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12: makeInstance() overrides should be done as XCLASS
'Container->registerImplemenation() for class ' . $objectType . ' is deprecated. Use XCLASS instead.',
if ($classSchema->hasConstructor()) {
$constructor = $classSchema->getMethod('__construct');
$constructorArguments = [];
foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameterName => $parameter) {
if (array_key_exists($parameterName, $possibleConstructorArgumentValues)) {
$constructorArguments[] = $possibleConstructorArgumentValues[$parameterName];
} elseif ($parameter->isOptional()) {
$constructorArguments[] = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
} else {
throw new InvalidTargetException('Missing constructor argument "' . $parameterName . '" for object of type "' . $objectType . '".', 1268734872);
if (empty($possibleConstructorArgumentValues) || !method_exists($specificObjectType, '__construct')) {
return GeneralUtility::makeInstance($specificObjectType);
$classSchema = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($specificObjectType);
$constructor = $classSchema->getMethod('__construct');
$constructorArguments = [];
foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameterName => $parameter) {
if (array_key_exists($parameterName, $possibleConstructorArgumentValues)) {
$constructorArguments[] = $possibleConstructorArgumentValues[$parameterName];
} elseif ($parameter->isOptional()) {
$constructorArguments[] = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
} else {
throw new InvalidTargetException('Missing constructor argument "' . $parameterName . '" for object of type "' . $objectType . '".', 1268734872);
// @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12
return $this->objectManager->get(...[$objectType, ...$constructorArguments]);
// @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12
return $this->objectManager->get($objectType);
return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(...[$specificObjectType, ...$constructorArguments]);
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