# EditorConfig is awesome:
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
charset = utf-8
# Get rid of whitespace to avoid diffs with a bunch of EOL changes
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
# Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
# CSS-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# HTML-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# TMPL-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# LESS-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# JS-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# PHP-Files
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
# MD-Files
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
# package.json or .travis.yml
indent_style = space