######################## # TYPO3 CMS # global ignore file ######################## # # Don't ignore .rej and .orig as we want to see/clean files after conflict resolution. # # For local exclude patterns please edit .git/info/exclude. # ######################## # # Ignore temporary files (left by editors and OS) *~ *.bak *.swp .DS_Store # # Ignore by common IDEs used directories/files nbproject *.idea *.project .buildpath .settings .TemporaryItems .webprj # # Temporary files and folders .cache .php_cs.cache .php-cs-fixer.cache .sass-cache .session *.log # # Ignore build stuff /.ddev/* /Build/phpunit/.phpunit.result.cache /Build/phpunit/FunctionalTests-Job-* /Build/bower_components/* /Build/node_modules/* /Build/JavaScript !/Build/typings/no-def* /Build/testing-docker/local/.env /Build/testing-docker/local/macos_passwd /typo3/sysext/*/Resources/Private/TypeScript/*.js /typo3/sysext/*/Resources/Public/JavaScript/*.js.map typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Acceptance/AcceptanceTests-Job-* # # TypeScript stuff .baseDir.ts .tscache # # Ignore composer stuff /bin/* /vendor/* /index.php /typo3/index.php /typo3/install.php # # Ignore common TYPO3 CMS files/directories /typo3temp/* /typo3conf/* /fileadmin/* /uploads/* /FIRST_INSTALL # # root .htaccess file /.htaccess # Ignore files generated by tests typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Acceptance/Support/_generated/ # Ignore files generated by docs rendering typo3/sysext/*/Documentation-GENERATED-temp/