From f855741ea53da81a0713029e69cfd5012f271ae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TYPO3 v4 Release Team <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 22:03:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha2

Change-Id: I4eec17d8e9c90f03890e1df5fbcc67cc62c713d9
Reviewed-by: TYPO3 v4 Release Team
Tested-by: TYPO3 v4 Release Team
 ChangeLog                | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t3lib/config_default.php |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 89057d983fb3..ddfe094de4e2 100755
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,69 @@
+2011-06-14  2900c43            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha2 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-06-14  9ff459f            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-06-14  3a97376            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-06-14  fd7d3d3  #27446    [TASK] Integrate external projects Fluid and Extbase as Git submodules (Oliver Hader)
+2011-06-14  cb390c7  #25397    [FEATURE] Add XLIFF translation support (l10n) (Xavier Perseguers)
+2011-06-14  0cb97a2  #25669    [BUGFIX] Scheduler: Show running icon during execution (Andy Grunwald)
+2011-06-14  1aa6709            [BUGFIX] Replace deprecated unit test method (Francois Suter)
+2011-06-14  ccefec5            [TASK] Cleanup tx_scheduler_ModuleTest (Oliver Hader)
+2011-06-14  2926586  #25668    [FEATURE] Scheduler: Change visibility of tx_scheduler_Module::checkDate() (Andy Grunwald)
+2011-06-14  29b59dd  #24616    [FEATURE][CONF] Options for pages in new record wizard (Francois Suter)
+2011-06-12  3138765  #27345    [FEATURE] Move "Appearance" tab before "Access" tab (Soren Malling)
+2011-06-12  0627d1b  #M17532   [FEATURE] Add support for FlexForm file reference (Rens Admiraal)
+2011-06-12  82fa070  #27367    [FEATURE] t3lib_FlashMessage: separate message-classes from rendering (Stefan Neufeind)
+2011-06-12  2171dcb  #18397    [BUGFIX] Toolbar menus have no hover (Andreas Wolf)
+2011-06-11  0f6b299  #20519    [BUGFIX] Handle IDN domain names correctly (Johannes Feustel)
+2011-06-10  95fd32f            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-06-10  11e49f9  #26534    [BUGFIX] noScale is called noRescale in t3editor (Georg Ringer)
+2011-06-09  dd131bc            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-06-08  35534b6  #17634    [FEATURE] Add option to remove default CSS from extensions (Susanne Moog)
+2011-06-08  cd7dbcc  #27228    [FEATURE] Evaluate starttime and stoptime fields as datetime (Steffen Gebert)
+2011-06-08  ac41534            [FEATURE] Streamline element browser in tree, upload & create folder form (Thomas Juhnke)
+2011-06-07  7e55f79  #25278    [BUGFIX] t3lib_extjs_ExtDirectDebug::__destruct() missing (Bjoern Pedersen)
+2011-06-06  b300d17  #M17725   [BUGFIX] Incorrect TYPO3 environment check (Rens Admiraal)
+2011-06-06  a44c2b2  #26758    [BUGFIX] Wrong stdWrap keys used in fe_login (Georg Ringer)
+2011-06-06  94feeb2  #15984    [BUGFIX] showAccessRestrictedPages doesn't replace links to restricted subpages (Sven Teuber)
+2011-06-06  e221a63  #26779    [BUGFIX] phpTimeZone not correctly set from localconf.php (Patrick Schriner)
+2011-06-06  9ac4d95  #25725    [BUGFIX] pageNotFound_handling error with relative paths (Markus Klein)
+2011-06-06  5fc6772  #17896    [FEATURE] Capitalizing with stdWrap (TypoScript) (Benjamin Mack)
+2011-06-06  915a1be  #11765    [BUGFIX][INSTALL] Selecting existing database should check radio button (Steffen Gebert)
+2011-06-06  8cf5c20  #26771    [BUGFIX] Flexform sheet description should be editable via TSConfig (Kai Vogel)
+2011-06-06  62ce941  #27235    [TASK] Cleanup of includes (Bjoern Pedersen)
+2011-06-05  45a6de1  #24958    [BUGFIX] TCEFORM language selector: wrong relations (Thorsten Kahler)
+2011-06-05  626e428  #26734    [BUGFIX] Detect Android systems properly (Francois Suter)
+2011-06-05  170b8c2            [TASK] Overwork NEWS.txt for TYPO3 4.6 (Oliver Hader)
+2011-06-04  c759bf2  #20473    [FEATURE][CONF] Starttime/endtime is not taken into account when caching (Steffen Müller)
+2011-06-04  63e87f4  #5539     [BUGFIX] sysext recycler: Typo in language label (Stefan Neufeind)
+2011-06-04  0f51999  #26926    [FEATURE] Make table labels for import static clickable (Markus Klein)
+2011-06-04  2ed41e2  #26142    [BUGFIX][DB] Fixed pages_language_overlay DB definition (Mario Rimann)
+2011-06-04  5d5f7da  #26360    [BUGFIX] Fixed typo in TBE_browser_recordList (Mario Rimann)
+2011-06-03  c91f5ae  #27173    [TASK] Overwork typo3/sysext/README.txt (Ernesto Baschny)
+2011-06-03  dcd1db6  #17506    [BUGFIX] Do not suppress parse errors in ext_emconf.php files (Steffen Gebert)
+2011-06-02  9ca1a5e  #26485    [BUGFIX] Natural sort with t3lib_div::naturalKeySortRecursive() (Susanne Moog)
+2011-06-02  239f68d  #27100    [BUGFIX] Show correct record title (Xavier Perseguers)
+2011-06-02  94c3e5f  #27104    [BUGFIX] BE UI: Warning when creating multiple pages should be removed (Benjamin Mack)
+2011-06-02  3ff47c1  #26867    [BUGFIX] content FORM: wrong layout for label (Markus Klein)
+2011-06-01  c070b75  #26914    [BUGFIX] Fix typo "PHP sessions availiable" in Install Tool (Stephan Großberndt)
+2011-06-01  1a8a77d  #27001    [BUGFIX] Remove calls to PHP4 constructors from core (Stefano Kowalke)
+2011-06-01  2ad34d4  #27152    [BUGFIX] Missing XCLASS statement for class LiveSearch (Steffen Gebert)
+2011-05-31  cc8fcb9  #25661    [BUGFIX] Scheduler: use img title-tags for mouse-over at status legend (Andy Grunwald)
+2011-05-30  b36b630  #26263    [TASK] Update caching framework to latest FLOW3 version (Susanne Moog)
+2011-05-30  9940c93            [BUGFIX] compileWhereClause causes Extbase errors with DBAL (Patrick Schriner)
+2011-05-29  3d9bc25  #26483    [BUGFIX] Add stdWrap for excludeUidList for HMENU. (Roland Waldner)
+2011-05-29  5f2320a  #24212    [BUGFIX] Meta charset tag adjustment for html5 doctype (Susanne Moog)
+2011-05-27  2585d5a  #24218    [TASK] Refactor conditions in t3lib_extFileFunc (Andreas Wolf)
+2011-05-25  c61d13f  #27027    [TASK] Remove extension commerce specific code in TYPO3 Core (Marcus Krause)
+2011-05-22  89022e6  #26936    [FEATURE][CONF][!!!] Deprecate PHP_SCRIPT* objects (Francois Suter)
+2011-05-20  5f21133  #22594    [BUGFIX] Allow Tx_ as class prefix (Andreas Kiessling)
+2011-05-19  770758e  #26724    [TASK] Update RTE manual with description of buttons (stan)
+2011-05-13  69fb886  #26515    [BUGFIX] TCA definition is not available in upgrade wizards (Steffen Gebert)
+2011-05-13  038036f            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (Xavier Perseguers)
+2011-05-12  03e81d5  #26781    [BUG] Constant TYPO3_URL_DONATE defined twice (Xavier Perseguers)
+2011-05-12  bc263e6  #26757    [BUGFIX] Fix stdWrap for Click-to-enlarge (Markus Klein)
+2011-05-11  c10d33a            [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 4.6-dev (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
+2011-05-11  44de8ea            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha1 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
 2011-05-11  6a039ec            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha1 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
 2011-05-11  b39bee3            Revert "[RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha1" (Oliver Hader)
 2011-05-11  be13ba3            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.0alpha1 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
diff --git a/t3lib/config_default.php b/t3lib/config_default.php
index dda34e33b271..43d1fe6a65c1 100644
--- a/t3lib/config_default.php
+++ b/t3lib/config_default.php
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ $TYPO3_CONF_VARS = array(
 $T3_VAR = array();	// Initialize.
 	// TYPO3 version
-$TYPO_VERSION = '4.6-dev';	// deprecated: use the constants defined below
+$TYPO_VERSION = '4.6.0alpha2';	// deprecated: use the constants defined below
 define('TYPO3_version', $TYPO_VERSION);
 define('TYPO3_branch', '4.6');
 define('TYPO3_copyright_year', '1998-2011');