From e21bb8bb09be42e29091bac128f69a559d321668 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Franzke <>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 07:00:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [TASK] Fix -u
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Add typo3/ infix as images were otherwise tried
to be updated from*
instead of*.

Resolves: #101885
Releases: main, 12.4, 11.5
Change-Id: I4a866971158916264d21435377d43d2b843bf16d
Tested-by: core-ci <>
Tested-by: Stefan Bürk <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Bürk <>
 Build/Scripts/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Build/Scripts/ b/Build/Scripts/
index 451040fa6125..e846e5f58bc6 100755
--- a/Build/Scripts/
+++ b/Build/Scripts/
@@ -930,12 +930,12 @@ case ${TEST_SUITE} in
         ${CONTAINER_BIN} volume ls -q -f driver=local -f dangling=true | awk '$0 ~ /^[0-9a-f]{64}$/ { print }' | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} volume rm {}
         echo ""
         # pull typo3/core-testing-*:latest versions of those ones that exist locally
-        echo "> pull ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}core-testing-*:latest versions of those ones that exist locally"
-        ${CONTAINER_BIN} images ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}core-testing-*:latest --format "{{.Repository}}:latest" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} pull {}
+        echo "> pull ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}typo3/core-testing-*:latest versions of those ones that exist locally"
+        ${CONTAINER_BIN} images ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}typo3/core-testing-*:latest --format "{{.Repository}}:latest" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} pull {}
         echo ""
         # remove "dangling" typo3/core-testing-* images (those tagged as <none>)
-        echo "> remove \"dangling\" ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}core-testing-* images (those tagged as <none>)"
-        ${CONTAINER_BIN} images ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}core-testing-* --filter "dangling=true" --format "{{.ID}}" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} rmi {}
+        echo "> remove \"dangling\" ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}typo3/core-testing-* images (those tagged as <none>)"
+        ${CONTAINER_BIN} images ${TYPO3_IMAGE_PREFIX}typo3/core-testing-* --filter "dangling=true" --format "{{.ID}}" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} rmi -f {}
         echo ""