From b4c3ffb197789fdbe5963b7da46c4482512f2e97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Schams <>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 15:46:19 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] [TASK] Improve labels of System Notes in the Dashboard
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This patch updates the English labels shown in the TYPO3 Dashboard and
Dashboard widgets for System Notes.

Resolves: #104888
Releases: main
Change-Id: I4ecb3886d30459823529052ef084daf715715873
Reviewed-by: Frank Nägler <>
Reviewed-by: Benni Mack <>
Tested-by: core-ci <>
Tested-by: Benni Mack <>
Tested-by: Frank Nägler <>
 .../Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf  | 26 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/typo3/sysext/sys_note/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf b/typo3/sysext/sys_note/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
index 72e4c468393e..a633a69755de 100644
--- a/typo3/sysext/sys_note/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
+++ b/typo3/sysext/sys_note/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
@@ -40,49 +40,49 @@
 				<source>Unknown author</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget_group.sys_note_widget.title" resname="widget_group.sys_note_widget.title">
-				<source>Sys Notes</source>
+				<source>System Notes</source>
 			<!-- All -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.all.title" resname="widget.all.title">
-				<source>Alle Sys Notes</source>
+				<source>All System Notes</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.all.description" resname="widget.all.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes</source>
 			<!-- Default -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteDefault.title" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteDefault.title">
-				<source>Notes with category Default</source>
+				<source>Notes in the category "Default"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteDefault.description" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteDefault.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes with the category "Default"</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes in the category "Default"</source>
 			<!-- ToDos -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteToDos.title" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteToDos.title">
-				<source>Notes with category ToDo</source>
+				<source>Notes in the category "ToDo"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteToDos.description" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteToDos.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes with the category "ToDo"</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes in the category "ToDo"</source>
 			<!-- Template -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteTemplate.title" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteTemplate.title">
-				<source>Notes with category Template</source>
+				<source>Notes in the category "Template"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteTemplate.description" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteTemplate.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes with the category "Template"</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes in the category "Template"</source>
 			<!-- Notes -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteNotes.title" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteNotes.title">
-				<source>Notes with category Notes</source>
+				<source>Notes in the category "Notes"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteNotes.description" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteNotes.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes with the category "Notes"</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes in the category "Notes"</source>
 			<!-- Instructions -->
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteInstructions.title" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteInstructions.title">
-				<source>Notes with category Instructions</source>
+				<source>Notes in the category "Instructions"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteInstructions.description" resname="widget.pagesWithInternalNoteInstructions.description">
-				<source>Shows a list of all pages which have sys_notes with the category "Instructions"</source>
+				<source>Shows a list of all pages with system notes in the category "Instructions"</source>
 			<trans-unit id="created" resname="created">