diff --git a/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.0/Feature-101553-Auto-createDBFieldsFromTCAColumns.rst b/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.0/Feature-101553-Auto-createDBFieldsFromTCAColumns.rst
index 0c7382c17401d353ce0250f08a86e824dff5976d..a49a2006afce6aec1033255995d5e30b808bcf1a 100644
--- a/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.0/Feature-101553-Auto-createDBFieldsFromTCAColumns.rst
+++ b/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.0/Feature-101553-Auto-createDBFieldsFromTCAColumns.rst
@@ -99,4 +99,7 @@ Columns are auto-created for these TCA :php:`columns` types:
 See :ref:`Breaking: DateTime column definitions <breaking-99937-1691166389>`
 for a change in the :sql:`datetime` column definition calculation.
+Also see :ref:`Important: About database error "row size too large" <important-104153-1718790066>`
+for limits imposed by MySQL / MariaDB on table length.
 .. index:: TCA, ext:core, NotScanned
diff --git a/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.2/Important-104153-AboutDatabaseErrorRowSizeTooLarge.rst b/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.2/Important-104153-AboutDatabaseErrorRowSizeTooLarge.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ed6ead7f660f5e6ba74ead4a175de6b94b6eb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/13.2/Important-104153-AboutDatabaseErrorRowSizeTooLarge.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
+.. _important-104153-1718790066:
+Important: #104153 - About database error "Row size too large"
+See :issue:`104153`
+MySQL and MariaDB database engines sometimes generate a "Row size too large" error
+when modifying the schema of tables with numerous columns. This document aims to
+provide a detailed explanation of this error and presents solutions for TYPO3
+instance maintainers to address it.
+Note that TYPO3 core v13 has implemented measures to mitigate this error in
+most scenarios. Therefore, instance maintainers typically do not need to
+address the specific details outlined below.
+First, it is important to recognize that there are two different error messages
+that appear similar but have distinct root causes and potentially opposite solution
+strategies. This will be elaborated on later in this document.
+Secondly, we will not cover all possible variations of these errors, but will focus
+on a subset most relevant to TYPO3. Therefore, later sections of the document assume
+specific details. Correctly addressing these details may already resolve the issue
+for instances running with a different setup.
+The issue is most likely to occur with the database table :sql:`tt_content`, as this
+table is often extended with many additional columns, increasing the likelihood of
+encountering the error. This document uses table :sql:`tt_content` in code examples.
+However, the diagnosis and solution strategies are applicable to other tables as well and
+code examples may need corresponding adjustments.
+Ensure storage engine is 'InnoDB'
+TYPO3 typically utilizes the :sql:`InnoDB` storage engine for tables in MySQL / MariaDB
+databases. However, instances upgraded from older TYPO3 core versions might still
+employ different storage engines for some tables. While the TYPO3 core plans to
+automatically detect and transition these to :sql:`InnoDB` in the future, it is advisable
+for maintainers to manually verify the storage engine currently in use:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES`
+    WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='my_database'
+    AND `TABLE_NAME`='tt_content';
+Tables *not* using :sql:`InnoDB` should be converted to :sql:`InnoDB`:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    USE `my_database`;
+    ALTER TABLE `tt_content` ENGINE=InnoDB;
+Ensure InnoDB row format is 'Dynamic'
+The :sql:`InnoDB` row format dictates how data is physically stored. The :sql:`Dynamic` row
+format provides better support for tables with many variable-length columns and
+has been the default format for some time. However, instances upgraded from
+older TYPO3 core versions and older MySQL / MariaDB engines might still use the
+previous default format :sql:`Compact`. While the TYPO3 core intends to automatically
+detect and transition such tables to the :sql:`Dynamic` row format in the future, it
+is recommended that maintainers manually verify the format currently in use:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    SELECT `TABLE_NAME`,`Row_format`
+    FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES`
+    WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='my_database'
+    AND `TABLE_NAME`='tt_content';
+Tables *not* using 'Dynamic' should be converted:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    USE 'my_database`;
+Database, table and column charset
+The selected column charset impacts length calculations. This document assumes
+:sql:`utf8mb4` for columns, which aligns with the default TYPO3 setup. Converting
+an existing instance to :sql:`utf8mb4` can be a complex task depending on the
+currently used charset and is beyond the scope of this document.
+The key point regarding :sql:`utf8mb4` is this: When dealing with the :sql:`utf8mb4`
+charset for :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns, storage and index calculations need to be
+multiplied by four (4). For example, a :sql:`VARCHAR(20)` can take up to eighty
+(80) *bytes* since each of the twenty (20) *characters* can use up to four (4)
+*bytes*. In contrast, a :sql:`VARCHAR(20)` in a :sql:`latin1` column will consume
+only twenty (20) *bytes*, as each *character* is only one byte long.
+The TYPO3 core may set individual columns to a charset like :sql:`latin1` in the
+future to optimize storage needs for columns that store only ASCII characters,
+but most content-related columns should usually be :sql:`utf8mb4` to avoid issues
+with multi-byte characters.
+Note that column types that do not store characters (like :sql:`INT`) do not have
+a charset set at all. An overview of current charsets can be retrieved:
+.. code-block::sql
+    # Default charset of the database, new tables use this charset when no
+    # explicit charset is given with a "CREATE TABLE" statement:
+    WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME`='my_database';
+    # Default charset of a table, new columns use this charset when no
+    # explicit charset is given with a "ALTER TABLE" statement:
+    SELECT `table`.`table_name`,`charset`.`character_set_name`
+    FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` AS `table`,`information_schema`.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS `charset`
+    WHERE `charset`.`collation_name`=`table`.`table_collation`
+    AND `table`.`table_schema`='my_database'
+    AND `table`.`table_name`='tt_content';
+    # List table columns, their column types with length and selected charsets:
+    SELECT `column_name`,`column_type`,`character_set_name`
+    FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS`
+    WHERE `table_schema`='my_database'
+    AND `table_name`='tt_content';
+Ensure innodb_page_size is 16384
+Few instances modify the MySQL / MariaDB :sql:`innodb_page_size` system variable,
+and it is advisable to keep it at the default value of :sql:`16384`. Verify the
+current value:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    SHOW variables WHERE `Variable_name`='innodb_page_size';
+Row size too large
+This document now assumes MySQL / MariaDB, the table in question uses the :sql:`InnoDB`
+storage engine with row format :sql:`Dynamic`, a system maintainer is aware of
+specific column charsets, and :sql:`innodb_page_size` default :sql:`16384` is kept.
+Error "Row size too large 65535"
+.. code-block:: plaintext
+    ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type,
+    not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You
+    have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
+When altering the database schema of a table, such as adding or increasing the
+size of a :sql:`VARCHAR` column, the above error might be encountered.
+Note the statement: "The maximum row size [...] is 65535".
+MySQL / MariaDB impose a global maximum size per table row of 65kB. The combined
+length of all column types contribute to this limit, except for :sql:`TEXT` and
+:sql:`BLOB` types, which are stored "off row" where only a "pointer" to the actual
+storage location counts.
+However, standard :sql:`VARCHAR` fields contribute their full maximum byte length
+towards this 65kB limit. For instance, a :sql:`VARCHAR(2048)` column with the
+:sql:`utf8mb4` character set (4 bytes per character) requires 4 * 2048 = 8192 bytes.
+Therefore, only 65535 - 8192 = 57343 bytes remain available for the storage needs
+of all other table columns.
+As another example, consider the query below attempting to create a table with
+a :sql:`VARCHAR(16383)` column alongside an :sql:`INT` column:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    # ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large. The maximum row size [...] is 65535
+    CREATE TABLE test (c1 varchar(16383), c2 int) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;
+Let's break down the calculation:
+.. code-block:: plaintext
+    varchar 16383 characters = 16383 * 4 bytes = 65532 bytes
+    int = 4 bytes
+    Total: 65532 + 4 = 65536 bytes
+This exceeds the maximum limit by one byte, causing the query to fail.
+The primary strategy to mitigate the 65kB limit is to minimize the use of
+lengthy :sql:`VARCHAR` columns.
+For instance, in the :sql:`tt_content` table of a default core instance, there
+are approximately a dozen :sql:`VARCHAR(255)` columns, totaling about 12kB,
+alongside smaller :sql:`INT` and similar fields. This allocation leaves ample
+room for additional custom :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns.
+TYPO3 v13 introduced improvements in two key areas:
+Firstly, TCA fields with :php:`type='link'` and :php:`type='slug'` have been
+converted from :sql:`VARCHAR(2048)` (requiring 8kB of row space) to :sql:`TEXT`.
+The :sql:`tt_content` table was affected by this change with at least one
+column (:sql:`header_link`). This adjustment provides more space by default for
+custom columns.
+Additionally, the TYPO3 core now defaults to using :sql:`TEXT` instead of
+:sql:`VARCHAR()` for TCA fields with :php:`type='input'` when the TCA property
+:php:`max` is set to a value greater than :php:`255` and extension authors utilize
+the :ref:`column auto creation feature <feature-101553-1691166389>`.
+Instances encountering the 65kB limit can consider adjusting fields with these
+considerations in mind:
+* Priority should be given to reconsidering long :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns first.
+  Changing a single :sql:`utf8mb4` :sql:`VARCHAR(2048)` column to :sql:`TEXT`
+  can free enough space for up to eight (8) :sql:`utf8mb4` :sql:`VARCHAR(255)`
+  columns.
+* Consider reducing the length of :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns. For instance, columns
+  containing database table or column names can be limited to :sql:`VARCHAR(64)`,
+  as MySQL / MariaDB restricts table and column names to a maximum of 64 characters.
+  Similar considerations apply to "short" content fields, such as a column storing
+  an author's name or similar potentially limited length information.
+  However, be cautious as setting :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns to "too short" lengths
+  may impose a different limit, as discussed below.
+* Consider removing entries from :file:`ext_tables.sql` with TYPO3 core v13: The
+  :ref:`column auto creation feature <feature-101553-1691166389>` generally provides
+  better-defined column definitions and ensures columns stay synchronized with TCA
+  definitions automatically. The TYPO3 core aims to provide sensible default
+  definitions, often superior to a potentially imprecise definition by extension
+  authors.
+* Note that individual column definitions in :file:`ext_tables.sql` always override
+  TYPO3 core v13's column auto creation feature: In rare cases where TYPO3 core makes
+  unfavorable decisions, extension authors can always override these details.
+* Note :sql:`utf8mb4` :sql:`VARCHAR(255)` and :sql:`TINYTEXT` are *not* the same:
+  A :sql:`VARCHAR(255)` size limit is 255 *characters*, while a :sql:`TINYTEXT`
+  is 255 *bytes*. The proper substitution for a (4 bytes per character) :sql:`utf8mb4`
+  :sql:`VARCHAR(255)` field is :sql:`TEXT`, which allows for 65535 bytes.
+* :sql:`TEXT` *may* negatively impact performance as it forces additional
+  Input/Output operations in the database. This is typically not a significant issue
+  with standard TYPO3 queries, as various other operations in TYPO3 have a greater
+  impact on overall performance. However, indiscriminately changing all fields from
+  :sql:`VARCHAR()` to :sql:`TEXT` or similar is *not* advisable.
+* Be mindful of indices: When :sql:`VARCHAR()` columns that are part of an index
+  are changed to :sql:`TEXT` or similar, these indexes may require adjustment.
+  Ensure they are properly restricted in length to avoid a "Specified key was too long"
+  error. The :sql:`InnoDB` key length limit with row format :sql:`Dynamic` is 3072
+  *bytes* (not *characters*). In general, indexes on :sql:`VARCHAR()` and all other
+  "longish" columns should be set with care and only if really needed since long
+  indexes can negatively impact database performance as well, especially when a
+  table has many write operations in production.
+Error "Row size too large (> 8126)"
+.. code-block:: plaintext
+    ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT
+    or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.
+Sometimes also an error similar to this in MySQL / MariaDB logs:
+.. code-block:: plaintext
+    [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot add field col1 in table db1.tab because after adding it,
+    the row size is 8478 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record
+    on index leaf page.
+This error may occur when adding or updating table rows, not only when altering table
+Note the statement: "Row size too large (> 8126)". This differs from the
+previous error message. This error is *not* about a general row size limit of
+65535 bytes, but rather a limit imposed by InnoDB tables.
+The root cause is that InnoDB has a maximum row size equivalent to half of the
+:sql:`innodb_page_size` system variable value of 16384 bytes, which is 8192 bytes.
+InnoDB mitigates this by storing certain variable-length columns on "overflow pages".
+The decision regarding which columns are *actually* stored on overflow pages is made
+dynamically when adding or changing rows. This is why the error can be raised at
+runtime and not only when altering the schema. Additionally, it makes accurately
+predicting whether the error will occur challenging. Furthermore, not all variable-length
+columns *can* be stored on overflow pages. This is why the error can be raised when
+altering table schema.
+Variable-length columns of type :sql:`TEXT` and :sql:`BLOB` can always be stored on
+overflow pages, thus minimally impacting the main data page limit of 8192 bytes.
+However, :sql:`VARCHAR` columns can only be stored on overflow pages if their maximum
+length exceeds 255 *bytes*. Therefore, an unexpected solution to the "Row size too
+large 8192" error in many cases is to increase the length of some variable-length
+columns, enabling InnoDB to store them on overflow pages.
+TYPO3 core v13 modified several default columns to mitigate the issue for instances
+with many custom columns. The TYPO3 core maintainers expect this issue to occur
+infrequently in practice.
+Instances encountering the 8192 bytes limit can consider adjusting fields with these
+considerations in mind:
+* The calculation determining if a column can be stored on overflow pages is based
+  on a minimum of 256 *bytes*, not *characters*. A typical :sql:`utf8mb4`
+  :sql:`VARCHAR(255)` equates to 1020 bytes, which *can* be stored on overflow pages.
+  Changing such fields makes no difference.
+* Changing a :sql:`utf8mb4` :sql:`VARCHAR(63)` (or smaller) to :sql:`VARCHAR(64)`
+  (64 characters utf8mb4 = 256 bytes) allows storing this column on overflow
+  pages and *does* make a difference.
+* Changing a :sql:`utf8mb4` :sql:`VARCHAR(63)` (or smaller) to :sql:`TINYTEXT` should
+  allow storing this column on overflow pages as well. However, this may not be the
+  optimal solution due to potential performance penalties, as discussed earlier in
+  this chapter. Similarly, indiscriminately increasing the length of multiple
+  variable-length columns is not advisable. Columns should ideally be kept as small
+  as possible, only exceeding the 255-byte limit or converting to :sql:`TEXT` types
+  if absolutely necessary. Also refer to the note on indexes above when single
+  columns are part of indexes.
+* Columns using :sql:`utf8mb4` that are smaller or equal to :sql:`VARCHAR(63)` and
+  only store ASCII characters can be downsized by changing the charset to :sql:`latin1`.
+  For instance, a :sql:`VARCHAR(60)` column occupies 4 * 60 = 240 bytes in row size,
+  but only 60 bytes when using the :sql:`latin1` charset. Currently, TYPO3 core does
+  not interpret charset definitions for individual columns from :sql:`ext_tables.sql`.
+  The core team anticipates implementing this feature in the future.
+* Note that increasing the length of :sql:`VARCHAR` columns can potentially conflict
+  with the 65kB limit mentioned earlier. This is another reason to avoid indiscriminately
+  increasing the length of variable-length columns.
+Further read
+This document is based on information from database vendors and other sites
+found online. The following links may provide further insights:
+* `(MariaDB) InnoDB Row Formats Overview <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-row-formats-overview/>`_
+* `(MariaDB) Troubleshooting Row Size Too Large Errors with InnoDB <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/troubleshooting-row-size-too-large-errors-with-innodb/>`_
+* `(Contao) MySQL Row size too large <https://github.com/contao/contao/issues/4159>`_
+Final words
+Navigating the two limits in MySQL / MariaDB requires a deep understanding of
+database engine internals to manage effectively. The TYPO3 core team is confident
+that version 13 has effectively mitigated the issue, ensuring that typical instances
+will rarely encounter it. We trust this document remains helpful and welcome any
+feedback in case something crucial has been overlooked.
+.. index:: Database, ext:core