diff --git a/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/language/typoscript.ts b/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/language/typoscript.ts
index 2522a8a6c336f9d3181b9a9e8738f3f7ae0a7af2..d14857f36f6a75afbc2e50f6ce3d65183a80ac66 100644
--- a/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/language/typoscript.ts
+++ b/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/language/typoscript.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import DocumentService from '@typo3/core/document-service';
 import { StreamLanguage, LanguageSupport } from '@codemirror/language';
 import { CompletionContext, CompletionResult } from '@codemirror/autocomplete';
-import { typoScriptStreamParser } from '@typo3/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript';
+import { TypoScriptStreamParserFactory } from '@typo3/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript';
 import { TsCodeCompletion } from '@typo3/t3editor/autocomplete/ts-code-completion';
 import { syntaxTree } from '@codemirror/language';
 import type { SyntaxNodeRef } from '@lezer/common';
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ export interface CodeMirror5CompatibleCompletionState {
  *        based on lezer.codemirror.net at some point.
 export function typoscript() {
-  const language = StreamLanguage.define(typoScriptStreamParser);
+  const language = StreamLanguage.define(
+    new TypoScriptStreamParserFactory().create()
+  );
   const completion = language.data.of({
     autocomplete: complete
diff --git a/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript.ts b/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae6e2afd7129d2703b33bff6734eebcb81b6d7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/Sources/TypeScript/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1609 @@
+import type { StringStream, StreamParser, IndentContext } from '@codemirror/language';
+type Type = string;
+type Value = string;
+type Keyword = {
+  type: string,
+  style: 'keyword'
+type CombinatorReturnType = boolean | undefined;
+type CombinatorFunction = (type?: Type, value?: unknown) => CombinatorReturnType;
+type CombinatorLexFunction = ((type?: Type, value?: unknown) => CombinatorReturnType) & { lex: true };
+type CC = CombinatorFunction | CombinatorLexFunction;
+type CX = {
+  state: State,
+  stream?: StringStream,
+  column: number,
+  marked: string,
+  style?: string,
+  cc: CC[]
+type LocalVars = {
+  name: string,
+  next: LocalVars
+type Context = {
+  vars: LocalVars,
+  prev?: Context | null
+type State = {
+  tokenize: (stream: StringStream, state: State) => string | undefined;
+  lastType: Type,
+  cc: CC[],
+  lexical: TSLexical,
+  localVars: LocalVars,
+  context: Context,
+  indented: number,
+class TSLexical {
+  public indented: number;
+  public column: number;
+  public type: Type;
+  public prev: TSLexical;
+  public info: number | string;
+  public align: boolean;
+  public pos: number | undefined;
+  constructor(indented: number, column: number, type: Type, align: boolean, prev?: TSLexical, info?: number | string) {
+    this.indented = indented;
+    this.column = column;
+    this.type = type;
+    this.prev = prev;
+    this.info = info;
+    if (align != null) {
+      this.align = align;
+    }
+  }
+function expressionAllowed(stream: StringStream, state: State): boolean {
+  return (
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+    /^(?:operator|sof|keyword c|case|new|export|default|[\[{}\(,;:]|=>)$/.test(state.lastType)
+  );
+export class TypoScriptStreamParserFactory {
+  public create(): StreamParser<State> {
+    const wordRE = /[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/;
+    //const statementIndent = undefined;
+    const statementIndent = false;
+    const parserConfig: { name: string, localVars: LocalVars, doubleIndentSwitch: boolean } = {
+      name: 'typoscript',
+      localVars: undefined,
+      doubleIndentSwitch: false,
+    };
+    // Tokenizer
+    const keywords = function(): Record<string, Keyword> {
+      function kw(type: string): Keyword {
+        return { type: type, style: 'keyword' };
+      }
+      const A = kw('keyword a'), B = kw('keyword b');
+      return {
+        '_LOCAL_LANG': kw('_LOCAL_LANG'),
+        '_offset': kw('_offset'),
+        'absRefPrefix': kw('absRefPrefix'),
+        'accessibility': kw('accessibility'),
+        'ACT': B,
+        'ACTIFSUB': B,
+        'ACTIFSUBRO': kw('ACTIFSUBRO'),
+        'ACTRO': B,
+        'addAttributes': kw('addAttributes'),
+        'addExtUrlsAndShortCuts': kw('addExtUrlsAndShortCuts'),
+        'addItems': kw('addItems'),
+        'additionalHeaders': kw('additionalHeaders'),
+        'additionalParams': kw('additionalParams'),
+        'addQueryString': kw('addQueryString'),
+        'adjustItemsH': kw('adjustItemsH'),
+        'adjustSubItemsH': kw('adjustSubItemsH'),
+        'admPanel': A,
+        'after': kw('after'),
+        'afterImg': kw('afterImg'),
+        'afterImgLink': kw('afterImgLink'),
+        'afterImgTagParams': kw('afterImgTagParams'),
+        'afterROImg': kw('afterROImg'),
+        'afterWrap': kw('afterWrap'),
+        'age': kw('age'),
+        'alertPopups': kw('alertPopups'),
+        'align': kw('align'),
+        'all': B,
+        'allow': kw('allow'),
+        'allowCaching': kw('allowCaching'),
+        'allowedAttribs': kw('allowedAttribs'),
+        'allowedClasses': kw('allowedClasses'),
+        'allowedCols': kw('allowedCols'),
+        'allowedNewTables': kw('allowedNewTables'),
+        'allowTags': kw('allowTags'),
+        'allStdWrap': kw('allStdWrap'),
+        'allWrap': kw('allWrap'),
+        'alt_print': A,
+        'alternativeSortingField': kw('alternativeSortingField'),
+        'altIcons': kw('altIcons'),
+        'altImgResource': kw('altImgResource'),
+        'altLabels': kw('altLabels'),
+        'altTarget': kw('altTarget'),
+        'altText': kw('altText'),
+        'altUrl': kw('altUrl'),
+        'altUrl_noDefaultParams': kw('altUrl_noDefaultParams'),
+        'altWrap': kw('altWrap'),
+        'always': kw('always'),
+        'alwaysActivePIDlist': kw('alwaysActivePIDlist'),
+        'alwaysLink': kw('alwaysLink'),
+        'andWhere': kw('andWhere'),
+        'angle': kw('angle'),
+        'antiAlias': kw('antiAlias'),
+        'append': kw('append'),
+        'applyTotalH': kw('applyTotalH'),
+        'applyTotalW': kw('applyTotalW'),
+        'archive': kw('archive'),
+        'ascii': B,
+        'ATagAfterWrap': kw('ATagAfterWrap'),
+        'ATagBeforeWrap': kw('ATagBeforeWrap'),
+        'ATagParams': kw('ATagParams'),
+        'ATagTitle': kw('ATagTitle'),
+        'atLeast': B,
+        'atMost': B,
+        'attribute': kw('attribute'),
+        'auth': A,
+        'autoLevels': kw('autoLevels'),
+        'autonumber': kw('autonumber'),
+        'backColor': kw('backColor'),
+        'background': kw('background'),
+        'baseURL': kw('baseURL'),
+        'BE': B,
+        'be_groups': B,
+        'be_users': B,
+        'before': kw('before'),
+        'beforeImg': kw('beforeImg'),
+        'beforeImgLink': kw('beforeImgLink'),
+        'beforeImgTagParams': kw('beforeImgTagParams'),
+        'beforeROImg': kw('beforeROImg'),
+        'beforeWrap': kw('beforeWrap'),
+        'begin': kw('begin'),
+        'bgCol': kw('bgCol'),
+        'bgImg': kw('bgImg'),
+        'blur': kw('blur'),
+        'bm': kw('bm'),
+        'bodyTag': kw('bodyTag'),
+        'bodyTagAdd': kw('bodyTagAdd'),
+        'bodyTagCObject': kw('bodyTagCObject'),
+        'bodytext': kw('bodytext'),
+        'borderCol': kw('borderCol'),
+        'borderThick': kw('borderThick'),
+        'bottomBackColor': kw('bottomBackColor'),
+        'bottomContent': kw('bottomContent'),
+        'bottomHeight': kw('bottomHeight'),
+        'bottomImg': kw('bottomImg'),
+        'bottomImg_mask': kw('bottomImg_mask'),
+        'BOX': B,
+        'br': kw('br'),
+        'browse': B,
+        'browser': A,
+        'brTag': kw('brTag'),
+        'bullet': kw('bullet'),
+        'bulletlist': kw('bulletlist'),
+        'bullets': B,
+        'bytes': kw('bytes'),
+        'cache': A,
+        'cache_clearAtMidnight': kw('cache_clearAtMidnight'),
+        'cache_period': kw('cache_period'),
+        'caption': kw('caption'),
+        'caption_stdWrap': kw('caption_stdWrap'),
+        'captionHeader': kw('captionHeader'),
+        'captionSplit': kw('captionSplit'),
+        'CARRAY': kw('CARRAY'),
+        'CASE': kw('CASE'),
+        'case': kw('case'),
+        'casesensitiveComp': kw('casesensitiveComp'),
+        'cellpadding': kw('cellpadding'),
+        'cellspacing': kw('cellspacing'),
+        'char': kw('char'),
+        'charcoal': kw('charcoal'),
+        'charMapConfig': kw('charMapConfig'),
+        'CHECK': A,
+        'check': kw('check'),
+        'class': kw('class'),
+        'classesAnchor': kw('classesAnchor'),
+        'classesCharacter': kw('classesCharacter'),
+        'classesImage': kw('classesImage'),
+        'classesParagraph': kw('classesParagraph'),
+        'clear': kw('clear'),
+        'clearCache': kw('clearCache'),
+        'clearCache_disable': kw('clearCache_disable'),
+        'clearCache_pageGrandParent': kw('clearCache_pageGrandParent'),
+        'clearCache_pageSiblingChildren': kw('clearCache_pageSiblingChildren'),
+        'clearCacheCmd': kw('clearCacheCmd'),
+        'clearCacheLevels': kw('clearCacheLevels'),
+        'clearCacheOfPages': kw('clearCacheOfPages'),
+        'clickTitleMode': kw('clickTitleMode'),
+        'clipboardNumberPads': kw('clipboardNumberPads'),
+        'cMargins': kw('cMargins'),
+        'COA': kw('COA'),
+        'COA_INT': kw('COA_INT'),
+        'cObj': A,
+        'COBJ_ARRAY': kw('COBJ_ARRAY'),
+        'cObject': A,
+        'cObjNum': kw('cObjNum'),
+        'collapse': kw('collapse'),
+        'collections': kw('collections'),
+        'color': kw('color'),
+        'color1': kw('color1'),
+        'color2': kw('color2'),
+        'color3': kw('color3'),
+        'color4': kw('color4'),
+        'colors': kw('colors'),
+        'colour': kw('colour'),
+        'colPos_list': kw('colPos_list'),
+        'colRelations': kw('colRelations'),
+        'cols': kw('cols'),
+        'colSpace': kw('colSpace'),
+        'COMMENT': A,
+        'comment_auto': kw('comment_auto'),
+        'commentWrap': kw('commentWrap'),
+        'compX': kw('compX'),
+        'compY': kw('compY'),
+        'conf': kw('conf'),
+        'CONFIG': kw('CONFIG'),
+        'config': A,
+        'CONSTANTS': kw('CONSTANTS'),
+        'constants': kw('constants'),
+        'CONTENT': kw('CONTENT'),
+        'content': A,
+        'contextMenu': kw('contextMenu'),
+        'copy': A,
+        'copyLevels': kw('copyLevels'),
+        'count_HMENU_MENUOBJ': kw('count_HMENU_MENUOBJ'),
+        'count_menuItems': kw('count_menuItems'),
+        'count_MENUOBJ': kw('count_MENUOBJ'),
+        'create': kw('create'),
+        'crop': kw('crop'),
+        'csConv': kw('csConv'),
+        'CType': kw('CType'),
+        'CUR': B,
+        'CURIFSUB': B,
+        'CURIFSUBRO': B,
+        'current': kw('current'),
+        'CURRO': B,
+        'curUid': kw('curUid'),
+        'cut': A,
+        'cWidth': kw('cWidth'),
+        'data': kw('data'),
+        'dataArray': A,
+        'dataWrap': kw('dataWrap'),
+        'date': kw('date'),
+        'date_stdWrap': kw('date_stdWrap'),
+        'datePrefix': kw('datePrefix'),
+        'dayofmonth': A,
+        'dayofweek': A,
+        'DB': kw('DB'),
+        'db_list': A,
+        'debug': kw('debug'),
+        'debugData': kw('debugData'),
+        'debugFunc': kw('debugFunc'),
+        'debugItemConf': kw('debugItemConf'),
+        'debugRenumberedObject': kw('debugRenumberedObject'),
+        'default': B,
+        'defaultAlign': kw('defaultAlign'),
+        'defaultCmd': kw('defaultCmd'),
+        'defaultHeaderType': kw('defaultHeaderType'),
+        'defaultOutput': kw('defaultOutput'),
+        'defaults': kw('defaults'),
+        'defaultType': kw('defaultType'),
+        'delete': kw('delete'),
+        'denyTags': kw('denyTags'),
+        'depth': kw('depth'),
+        'DESC': kw('DESC'),
+        'description': B,
+        'dimensions': kw('dimensions'),
+        'direction': kw('direction'),
+        'directory': B,
+        'directReturn': B,
+        'disableAllHeaderCode': kw('disableAllHeaderCode'),
+        'disableAltText': kw('disableAltText'),
+        'disableBodyTag': kw('disableBodyTag'),
+        'disabled': kw('disabled'),
+        'disableDelete': kw('disableDelete'),
+        'disableHideAtCopy': kw('disableHideAtCopy'),
+        'disableItems': kw('disableItems'),
+        'disableNoMatchingValueElement': kw('disableNoMatchingValueElement'),
+        'disablePrefixComment': kw('disablePrefixComment'),
+        'disablePrependAtCopy': kw('disablePrependAtCopy'),
+        'disableSearchBox': kw('disableSearchBox'),
+        'disableSingleTableView': kw('disableSingleTableView'),
+        'displayContent': kw('displayContent'),
+        'displayFieldIcons': kw('displayFieldIcons'),
+        'displayIcons': kw('displayIcons'),
+        'displayMessages': kw('displayMessages'),
+        'displayRecord': kw('displayRecord'),
+        'displayTimes': kw('displayTimes'),
+        'distributeX': kw('distributeX'),
+        'distributeY': kw('distributeY'),
+        'div': B,
+        'DIV': kw('DIV'),
+        'doctype': kw('doctype'),
+        'doktype': kw('doktype'),
+        'doNotLinkIt': kw('doNotLinkIt'),
+        'doNotShowLink': kw('doNotShowLink'),
+        'doNotStripHTML': kw('doNotStripHTML'),
+        'dontCheckPid': kw('dontCheckPid'),
+        'dontLinkIfSubmenu': kw('dontLinkIfSubmenu'),
+        'dontWrapInTable': kw('dontWrapInTable'),
+        'doubleBrTag': kw('doubleBrTag'),
+        'dWorkArea': kw('dWorkArea'),
+        'dynCSS': A,
+        'edge': kw('edge'),
+        'edit': A,
+        'edit_access': A,
+        'edit_docModuleUpload': kw('edit_docModuleUpload'),
+        'EFFECT': kw('EFFECT'),
+        'elements': kw('elements'),
+        'else': B,
+        'email': B,
+        'emailMeAtLogin': kw('emailMeAtLogin'),
+        'emailMess': kw('emailMess'),
+        'emboss': kw('emboss'),
+        'enable': kw('enable'),
+        'encapsLines': kw('encapsLines'),
+        'encapsLinesStdWrap': kw('encapsLinesStdWrap'),
+        'encapsTagList': kw('encapsTagList'),
+        'end': B,
+        'entryLevel': kw('entryLevel'),
+        'equalH': kw('equalH'),
+        'equals': B,
+        'everybody': kw('everybody'),
+        'excludeDoktypes': kw('excludeDoktypes'),
+        'excludeUidList': kw('excludeUidList'),
+        'expAll': kw('expAll'),
+        'expand': kw('expand'),
+        'explode': kw('explode'),
+        'ext': kw('ext'),
+        'external': B,
+        'externalBlocks': kw('externalBlocks'),
+        'extTarget': kw('extTarget'),
+        'face': kw('face'),
+        'false': B,
+        'FE': B,
+        'fe_adminLib': kw('fe_adminLib'),
+        'fe_groups': B,
+        'fe_users': B,
+        'feadmin': B,
+        'field': kw('field'),
+        'fieldName': kw('fieldName'),
+        'fieldOrder': kw('fieldOrder'),
+        'fieldRequired': kw('fieldRequired'),
+        'fields': kw('fields'),
+        'fieldWrap': kw('fieldWrap'),
+        'file': kw('file'),
+        'file1': kw('file1'),
+        'file2': kw('file2'),
+        'file3': kw('file3'),
+        'file4': kw('file4'),
+        'file5': kw('file5'),
+        'FILES': kw('FILES'),
+        'files': kw('files'),
+        'firstLabel': kw('firstLabel'),
+        'firstLabelGeneral': kw('firstLabelGeneral'),
+        'fixAttrib': kw('fixAttrib'),
+        'flip': kw('flip'),
+        'flop': kw('flop'),
+        'folder': A,
+        'folders': kw('folders'),
+        'folderTree': A,
+        'foldoutMenu': A,
+        'fontColor': kw('fontColor'),
+        'fontFile': kw('fontFile'),
+        'fontOffset': kw('fontOffset'),
+        'fontSize': kw('fontSize'),
+        'fontSizeMultiplicator': kw('fontSizeMultiplicator'),
+        'forceDisplayFieldIcons': kw('forceDisplayFieldIcons'),
+        'forceDisplayIcons': kw('forceDisplayIcons'),
+        'forceTemplateParsing': kw('forceTemplateParsing'),
+        'forceTypeValue': kw('forceTypeValue'),
+        'FORM': kw('FORM'),
+        'format': kw('format'),
+        'function': kw('function'),
+        'Functions': A,
+        'gamma': kw('gamma'),
+        'gapBgCol': kw('gapBgCol'),
+        'gapLineCol': kw('gapLineCol'),
+        'gapLineThickness': kw('gapLineThickness'),
+        'gapWidth': kw('gapWidth'),
+        'get': kw('get'),
+        'getBorder': kw('getBorder'),
+        'getLeft': kw('getLeft'),
+        'getRight': kw('getRight'),
+        'GIFBUILDER': kw('GIFBUILDER'),
+        'global': kw('global'),
+        'globalNesting': kw('globalNesting'),
+        'globalString': kw('globalString'),
+        'globalVar': kw('globalVar'),
+        'GP': kw('GP'),
+        'gray': kw('gray'),
+        'group': kw('group'),
+        'groupBy': kw('groupBy'),
+        'groupid': kw('groupid'),
+        'header': B,
+        'header_layout': kw('header_layout'),
+        'headerComment': kw('headerComment'),
+        'headerData': kw('headerData'),
+        'headerSpace': kw('headerSpace'),
+        'headTag': kw('headTag'),
+        'height': kw('height'),
+        'helpText': kw('helpText'),
+        'hidden': kw('hidden'),
+        'hiddenFields': kw('hiddenFields'),
+        'hide': kw('hide'),
+        'hideButCreateMap': kw('hideButCreateMap'),
+        'hidePStyleItems': kw('hidePStyleItems'),
+        'hideRecords': kw('hideRecords'),
+        'highColor': kw('highColor'),
+        'history': kw('history'),
+        'HMENU': kw('HMENU'),
+        'hostname': A,
+        'hour': A,
+        'HTML': kw('HTML'),
+        'html': B,
+        'HTMLparser': kw('HTMLparser'),
+        'HTMLparser_tags': kw('HTMLparser_tags'),
+        'htmlSpecialChars': kw('htmlSpecialChars'),
+        'htmlTag_setParams': kw('htmlTag_setParams'),
+        'http': kw('http'),
+        'icon': kw('icon'),
+        'icon_image_ext_list': kw('icon_image_ext_list'),
+        'icon_link': kw('icon_link'),
+        'iconCObject': kw('iconCObject'),
+        'id': B,
+        'IENV': kw('IENV'),
+        'if': B,
+        'ifEmpty': B,
+        'IFSUB': B,
+        'IFSUBRO': B,
+        'IMAGE': kw('IMAGE'),
+        'image': B,
+        'image_frames': kw('image_frames'),
+        'imageLinkWrap': kw('imageLinkWrap'),
+        'imagePath': kw('imagePath'),
+        'images': kw('images'),
+        'imageWrapIfAny': kw('imageWrapIfAny'),
+        'IMG_RESOURCE': kw('IMG_RESOURCE'),
+        'imgList': A,
+        'imgMap': kw('imgMap'),
+        'imgMapExtras': kw('imgMapExtras'),
+        'imgMax': kw('imgMax'),
+        'imgNameNotRandom': kw('imgNameNotRandom'),
+        'imgNamePrefix': kw('imgNamePrefix'),
+        'imgObjNum': kw('imgObjNum'),
+        'imgParams': kw('imgParams'),
+        'imgPath': kw('imgPath'),
+        'imgResource': A,
+        'imgStart': kw('imgStart'),
+        'IMGTEXT': kw('IMGTEXT'),
+        'imgText': A,
+        'import': kw('import'),
+        'inBranch': B,
+        'inc': kw('inc'),
+        'includeCSS': kw('includeCSS'),
+        'includeLibrary': kw('includeLibrary'),
+        'includeNotInMenu': kw('includeNotInMenu'),
+        'index': kw('index'),
+        'index_descrLgd': kw('index_descrLgd'),
+        'index_enable': kw('index_enable'),
+        'index_externals': kw('index_externals'),
+        'info': A,
+        'inlineStyle2TempFile': kw('inlineStyle2TempFile'),
+        'innerStdWrap': kw('innerStdWrap'),
+        'innerStdWrap_all': kw('innerStdWrap_all'),
+        'innerWrap': kw('innerWrap'),
+        'innerWrap2': kw('innerWrap2'),
+        'input': kw('input'),
+        'inputLevels': kw('inputLevels'),
+        'insertData': kw('insertData'),
+        'intensity': kw('intensity'),
+        'intTarget': kw('intTarget'),
+        'intval': kw('intval'),
+        'invert': kw('invert'),
+        'IP': A,
+        'IProcFunc': kw('IProcFunc'),
+        'isFalse': B,
+        'isGreaterThan': B,
+        'isInList': B,
+        'isLessThan': B,
+        'isPositive': B,
+        'isTrue': B,
+        'itemArrayProcFunc': kw('itemArrayProcFunc'),
+        'itemH': kw('itemH'),
+        'items': kw('items'),
+        'itemsProcFunc': kw('itemsProcFunc'),
+        'iterations': kw('iterations'),
+        'join': kw('join'),
+        'JSwindow': A,
+        'JSWindow': kw('JSWindow'),
+        'JSwindow_params': kw('JSwindow_params'),
+        'keep': kw('keep'),
+        'keepEntries': kw('keepEntries'),
+        'keepNonMatchedTags': kw('keepNonMatchedTags'),
+        'key': kw('key'),
+        'keyword3': B,
+        'LABEL': A,
+        'label': kw('label'),
+        'labelStdWrap': kw('labelStdWrap'),
+        'labelWrap': kw('labelWrap'),
+        'lang': kw('lang'),
+        'languageField': kw('languageField'),
+        'layout': A,
+        'left': kw('left'),
+        'leftjoin': kw('leftjoin'),
+        'levels': kw('levels'),
+        'leveltitle': B,
+        'leveluid': kw('leveluid'),
+        'lib': A,
+        'limit': kw('limit'),
+        'line': kw('line'),
+        'lineColor': kw('lineColor'),
+        'lineThickness': kw('lineThickness'),
+        'linkPrefix': kw('linkPrefix'),
+        'linkTitleToSelf': kw('linkTitleToSelf'),
+        'linkVars': kw('linkVars'),
+        'linkWrap': kw('linkWrap'),
+        'list': B,
+        'listNum': kw('listNum'),
+        'listOnlyInSingleTableView': kw('listOnlyInSingleTableView'),
+        'LIT': kw('LIT'),
+        'lm': kw('lm'),
+        'locale_all': kw('locale_all'),
+        'localNesting': kw('localNesting'),
+        'locationData': kw('locationData'),
+        'login': B,
+        'loginUser': A,
+        'lowColor': kw('lowColor'),
+        'lower': kw('lower'),
+        'LR': kw('LR'),
+        'mailform': B,
+        'mailto': kw('mailto'),
+        'main': kw('main'),
+        'makelinks': kw('makelinks'),
+        'markerWrap': kw('markerWrap'),
+        'marks': A,
+        'mask': kw('mask'),
+        'max': kw('max'),
+        'maxAge': kw('maxAge'),
+        'maxChars': kw('maxChars'),
+        'maxH': kw('maxH'),
+        'maxHeight': kw('maxHeight'),
+        'maxItems': kw('maxItems'),
+        'maxW': kw('maxW'),
+        'maxWidth': kw('maxWidth'),
+        'maxWInText': kw('maxWInText'),
+        'media': B,
+        'menu': B,
+        'menuHeight': kw('menuHeight'),
+        'menuName': kw('menuName'),
+        'menuOffset': kw('menuOffset'),
+        'menuWidth': kw('menuWidth'),
+        'message_preview': kw('message_preview'),
+        'META': kw('META'),
+        'meta': kw('meta'),
+        'method': kw('method'),
+        'min': kw('min'),
+        'minH': kw('minH'),
+        'minItems': kw('minItems'),
+        'minute': A,
+        'minW': kw('minW'),
+        'mod': B,
+        'mode': kw('mode'),
+        'module': A,
+        'month': A,
+        'move_wizard': A,
+        'MP_defaults': kw('MP_defaults'),
+        'MP_disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue': kw('MP_disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue'),
+        'MP_mapRootPoints': kw('MP_mapRootPoints'),
+        'MULTIMEDIA': kw('MULTIMEDIA'),
+        'multimedia': B,
+        'name': kw('name'),
+        'negate': B,
+        'nesting': kw('nesting'),
+        'neverHideAtCopy': kw('neverHideAtCopy'),
+        'new': A,
+        'NEW': B,
+        'new_wizard': A,
+        'newPageWiz': kw('newPageWiz'),
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+        'next': kw('next'),
+        'niceText': kw('niceText'),
+        'nicetext': kw('nicetext'),
+        'NO': B,
+        'no_cache': kw('no_cache'),
+        'no_search': kw('no_search'),
+        'noAttrib': kw('noAttrib'),
+        'noCache': kw('noCache'),
+        'noCreateRecordsLink': kw('noCreateRecordsLink'),
+        'noLink': kw('noLink'),
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+        'nonCachedSubst': kw('nonCachedSubst'),
+        'none': B,
+        'nonTypoTagStdWrap': kw('nonTypoTagStdWrap'),
+        'nonTypoTagUserFunc': kw('nonTypoTagUserFunc'),
+        'nonWrappedTag': kw('nonWrappedTag'),
+        'noOrderBy': kw('noOrderBy'),
+        'noPageTitle': kw('noPageTitle'),
+        'noResultObj': A,
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+        'noValueInsert': kw('noValueInsert'),
+        'numRows': A,
+        'obj': kw('obj'),
+        'offset': kw('offset'),
+        'onlineWorkspaceInfo': kw('onlineWorkspaceInfo'),
+        'onlyCurrentPid': kw('onlyCurrentPid'),
+        'opacity': kw('opacity'),
+        'options': A,
+        'orderBy': kw('orderBy'),
+        'outerWrap': kw('outerWrap'),
+        'outline': kw('outline'),
+        'outputLevels': kw('outputLevels'),
+        'override': kw('override'),
+        'overrideAttribs': kw('overrideAttribs'),
+        'overrideId': kw('overrideId'),
+        'overridePageModule': kw('overridePageModule'),
+        'PAGE': kw('PAGE'),
+        'page': A,
+        'PAGE_TARGET': kw('PAGE_TARGET'),
+        'pageFrameObj': kw('pageFrameObj'),
+        'pages': B,
+        'pageTitleFirst': kw('pageTitleFirst'),
+        'pageTree': A,
+        'parameter': kw('parameter'),
+        'params': kw('params'),
+        'parseFunc': kw('parseFunc'),
+        'parseFunc_RTE': B,
+        'parser': kw('parser'),
+        'password': kw('password'),
+        'paste': A,
+        'path': kw('path'),
+        'permissions': kw('permissions'),
+        'perms': A,
+        'pid': B,
+        'pid_list': kw('pid_list'),
+        'pidInList': kw('pidInList'),
+        'PIDinRootline': A,
+        'PIDupinRootline': A,
+        'pixelSpaceFontSizeRef': kw('pixelSpaceFontSizeRef'),
+        'plaintextLib': kw('plaintextLib'),
+        'plainTextStdWrap': kw('plainTextStdWrap'),
+        'plugin': A,
+        'postCObject': kw('postCObject'),
+        'postLineBlanks': kw('postLineBlanks'),
+        'postLineChar': kw('postLineChar'),
+        'postLineLen': kw('postLineLen'),
+        'postUserFunc': kw('postUserFunc'),
+        'postUserFuncInt': kw('postUserFuncInt'),
+        'preBlanks': kw('preBlanks'),
+        'preCObject': kw('preCObject'),
+        'prefix': kw('prefix'),
+        'prefixComment': kw('prefixComment'),
+        'prefixRelPathWith': kw('prefixRelPathWith'),
+        'preIfEmptyListNum': kw('preIfEmptyListNum'),
+        'preLineBlanks': kw('preLineBlanks'),
+        'preLineChar': kw('preLineChar'),
+        'preLineLen': kw('preLineLen'),
+        'prepend': kw('prepend'),
+        'preserveEntities': kw('preserveEntities'),
+        'preUserFunc': kw('preUserFunc'),
+        'prev': kw('prev'),
+        'preview': A,
+        'previewBorder': kw('previewBorder'),
+        'prevnextToSection': kw('prevnextToSection'),
+        'prioriCalc': kw('prioriCalc'),
+        'proc': kw('proc'),
+        'processor_allowUpscaling': kw('processor_allowUpscaling'),
+        'properties': kw('properties'),
+        'protect': kw('protect'),
+        'protectLvar': kw('protectLvar'),
+        'publish': A,
+        'publish_levels': kw('publish_levels'),
+        'quality': kw('quality'),
+        'RADIO': A,
+        'radio': kw('radio'),
+        'radioWrap': kw('radioWrap'),
+        'range': kw('range'),
+        'rawUrlEncode': kw('rawUrlEncode'),
+        'recipient': kw('recipient'),
+        'RECORDS': kw('RECORDS'),
+        'recursive': kw('recursive'),
+        'redirect': kw('redirect'),
+        'redirectToURL': kw('redirectToURL'),
+        'reduceColors': kw('reduceColors'),
+        'references': kw('references'),
+        'register': kw('register'),
+        'relPathPrefix': kw('relPathPrefix'),
+        'remap': kw('remap'),
+        'remapTag': kw('remapTag'),
+        'REMOTE_ADDR': kw('REMOTE_ADDR'),
+        'removeDefaultJS': kw('removeDefaultJS'),
+        'removeIfEquals': kw('removeIfEquals'),
+        'removeIfFalse': kw('removeIfFalse'),
+        'removeItems': kw('removeItems'),
+        'removeObjectsOfDummy': kw('removeObjectsOfDummy'),
+        'removePrependedNumbers': kw('removePrependedNumbers'),
+        'removeTags': kw('removeTags'),
+        'removeWrapping': kw('removeWrapping'),
+        'renderObj': A,
+        'renderWrap': kw('renderWrap'),
+        'REQ': A,
+        'required': B,
+        'reset': kw('reset'),
+        'resources': kw('resources'),
+        'resultObj': kw('resultObj'),
+        'returnLast': kw('returnLast'),
+        'returnUrl': kw('returnUrl'),
+        'rightjoin': kw('rightjoin'),
+        'rm': kw('rm'),
+        'rmTagIfNoAttrib': kw('rmTagIfNoAttrib'),
+        'RO': B,
+        'rootline': B,
+        'rotate': kw('rotate'),
+        'rows': kw('rows'),
+        'rowSpace': kw('rowSpace'),
+        'RTE': A,
+        'RTE_compliant': A,
+        'rules': kw('rules'),
+        'sample': kw('sample'),
+        'saveClipboard': kw('saveClipboard'),
+        'saveDocNew': kw('saveDocNew'),
+        'script': B,
+        'search': B,
+        'secondRow': kw('secondRow'),
+        'section': kw('section'),
+        'sectionIndex': kw('sectionIndex'),
+        'select': A,
+        'selectFields': kw('selectFields'),
+        'separator': kw('separator'),
+        'set': kw('set'),
+        'setContentToCurrent': kw('setContentToCurrent'),
+        'setCurrent': kw('setCurrent'),
+        'setfixed': kw('setfixed'),
+        'setOnly': kw('setOnly'),
+        'setup': A,
+        'shadow': kw('shadow'),
+        'SHARED': kw('SHARED'),
+        'sharpen': kw('sharpen'),
+        'shear': kw('shear'),
+        'short': kw('short'),
+        'shortcut': B,
+        'shortcutFrame': kw('shortcutFrame'),
+        'shortcutIcon': kw('shortcutIcon'),
+        'show': kw('show'),
+        'showAccessRestrictedPages': kw('showAccessRestrictedPages'),
+        'showActive': kw('showActive'),
+        'showFirst': kw('showFirst'),
+        'showHiddenPages': kw('showHiddenPages'),
+        'showHiddenRecords': kw('showHiddenRecords'),
+        'showHistory': kw('showHistory'),
+        'showPageIdWithTitle': kw('showPageIdWithTitle'),
+        'showTagFreeClasses': kw('showTagFreeClasses'),
+        'showWebsiteTitle': kw('showWebsiteTitle'),
+        'simulateDate': kw('simulateDate'),
+        'simulateUserGroup': kw('simulateUserGroup'),
+        'singlePid': kw('singlePid'),
+        'site_author': kw('site_author'),
+        'site_reserved': kw('site_reserved'),
+        'sitemap': B,
+        'siteUrl': kw('siteUrl'),
+        'size': kw('size'),
+        'solarize': kw('solarize'),
+        'sorting': kw('sorting'),
+        'source': kw('source'),
+        'space': kw('space'),
+        'spaceBelowAbove': kw('spaceBelowAbove'),
+        'spaceLeft': kw('spaceLeft'),
+        'spaceRight': kw('spaceRight'),
+        'spacing': kw('spacing'),
+        'spamProtectEmailAddresses': kw('spamProtectEmailAddresses'),
+        'spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst': kw('spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst'),
+        'spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst': kw('spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst'),
+        'SPC': B,
+        'special': kw('special'),
+        'split': A,
+        'splitChar': kw('splitChar'),
+        'splitRendering': kw('splitRendering'),
+        'src': kw('src'),
+        'stdWrap': A,
+        'stdWrap2': kw('stdWrap2'),
+        'strftime': kw('strftime'),
+        'stripHtml': kw('stripHtml'),
+        'styles': kw('styles'),
+        'submenuObjSuffixes': kw('submenuObjSuffixes'),
+        'subMenuOffset': kw('subMenuOffset'),
+        'submit': kw('submit'),
+        'subparts': A,
+        'subst_elementUid': kw('subst_elementUid'),
+        'substMarksSeparately': kw('substMarksSeparately'),
+        'substring': kw('substring'),
+        'swirl': kw('swirl'),
+        'sys_dmail': B,
+        'sys_filemounts': B,
+        'sys_note': B,
+        'sys_template': B,
+        'system': A,
+        'table': B,
+        'tableCellColor': kw('tableCellColor'),
+        'tableParams': kw('tableParams'),
+        'tables': kw('tables'),
+        'tableStdWrap': kw('tableStdWrap'),
+        'tableWidth': kw('tableWidth'),
+        'tags': kw('tags'),
+        'target': kw('target'),
+        'TCAdefaults': kw('TCAdefaults'),
+        'TCEFORM': kw('TCEFORM'),
+        'TCEMAIN': kw('TCEMAIN'),
+        'TDparams': kw('TDparams'),
+        'temp': A,
+        'template': A,
+        'templateContent': kw('templateContent'),
+        'templateFile': kw('templateFile'),
+        'TEXT': kw('TEXT'),
+        'text': B,
+        'textarea': kw('textarea'),
+        'textMargin': kw('textMargin'),
+        'textMargin_outOfText': kw('textMargin_outOfText'),
+        'textMaxLength': kw('textMaxLength'),
+        'textObjNum': kw('textObjNum'),
+        'textpic': B,
+        'textPos': kw('textPos'),
+        'thickness': kw('thickness'),
+        'this': B,
+        'tile': kw('tile'),
+        'time_stdWrap': kw('time_stdWrap'),
+        'tipafriendLib': kw('tipafriendLib'),
+        'title': kw('title'),
+        'titleLen': kw('titleLen'),
+        'titleText': kw('titleText'),
+        'tm': kw('tm'),
+        'TMENU': kw('TMENU'),
+        'TMENUITEM': kw('TMENUITEM'),
+        'token': kw('token'),
+        'top': B,
+        'totalWidth': kw('totalWidth'),
+        'transparentBackground': kw('transparentBackground'),
+        'transparentColor': kw('transparentColor'),
+        'treeLevel': A,
+        'trim': kw('trim'),
+        'true': B,
+        'tsdebug': A,
+        'tsdebug_tree': kw('tsdebug_tree'),
+        'TSFE': kw('TSFE'),
+        'type': kw('type'),
+        'typeNum': kw('typeNum'),
+        'types': kw('types'),
+        'typolink': A,
+        'uid': B,
+        'uidInList': kw('uidInList'),
+        'uniqueGlobal': B,
+        'uniqueLocal': B,
+        'unset': kw('unset'),
+        'unsetEmpty': B,
+        'updated': B,
+        'uploads': B,
+        'upper': kw('upper'),
+        'url': A,
+        'us': B,
+        'useLargestItemX': kw('useLargestItemX'),
+        'useLargestItemY': kw('useLargestItemY'),
+        'USER': kw('USER'),
+        'user': kw('user'),
+        'USER_INT': kw('USER_INT'),
+        'user_task': B,
+        'useragent': A,
+        'USERDEF1': B,
+        'USERDEF1RO': B,
+        'USERDEF2': B,
+        'USERDEF2RO': B,
+        'userdefined': kw('userdefined'),
+        'userFunc': A,
+        'userfunction': kw('userfunction'),
+        'usergroup': B,
+        'userid': kw('userid'),
+        'userProc': kw('userProc'),
+        'USR': B,
+        'USRRO': B,
+        'value': kw('value'),
+        'valueArray': kw('valueArray'),
+        'version': A,
+        'view': A,
+        'wave': kw('wave'),
+        'web_func': B,
+        'web_info': B,
+        'web_layout': B,
+        'web_list': B,
+        'web_ts': kw('web_ts'),
+        'where': kw('where'),
+        'width': kw('width'),
+        'wiz': kw('wiz'),
+        'wordSpacing': kw('wordSpacing'),
+        'workArea': kw('workArea'),
+        'workOnSubpart': A,
+        'wrap': kw('wrap'),
+        'wrap1': kw('wrap1'),
+        'wrap2': kw('wrap2'),
+        'wrap3': kw('wrap3'),
+        'wrapAfterTags': kw('wrapAfterTags'),
+        'wrapAlign': kw('wrapAlign'),
+        'wrapFieldName': kw('wrapFieldName'),
+        'wrapItemAndSub': kw('wrapItemAndSub'),
+        'wrapNonWrappedLines': kw('wrapNonWrappedLines'),
+        'wraps': kw('wraps'),
+        'xhtml_cleaning': kw('xhtml_cleaning'),
+        'xhtml_strict': B,
+        'xhtml_trans': B,
+        'xmlprologue': kw('xmlprologue'),
+        'XY': B
+      };
+    }();
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+    const isOperatorChar = /[\+\-\*\&\%\/=<>!\?]/;
+    let inValue = false;
+    function readRegexp(stream: StringStream) {
+      let escaped = false, next, inSet = false;
+      while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
+        if (!escaped) {
+          if (next === '/' && !inSet) {return;}
+          if (next === '[') {inSet = true;}
+          else if (inSet && next === ']') {inSet = false;}
+        }
+        escaped = !escaped && next === '\\';
+      }
+    }
+    // Used as scratch variables to communicate multiple values without
+    // consing up tons of objects.
+    let type: string;
+    let content: string;
+    function ret(tp: string, style?: string, cont?: string): string | undefined {
+      type = tp;
+      content = cont;
+      return style;
+    }
+    function tokenBase(stream: StringStream, state: State): string | undefined {
+      const ch = stream.next();
+      if (typeof ch !== 'string') {
+        return undefined;
+      }
+      if (ch === '\n') {
+        inValue = false;
+      }
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+      if (ch === '.' && stream.match(/^\d+(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/)) {
+        return ret('number', 'number');
+      }
+      if (ch === '.' && stream.match('..')) {
+        return ret('spread', 'meta');
+      }
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+      if (ch && /[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) {
+        return ret(ch);
+      }
+      if ((ch === '<' || ch === '>' || ch === '.' || (ch === '=' && stream.peek() !== '<'))) {
+        inValue = true;
+        return ret(ch, 'operator')
+      }
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+      if (!inValue && ch && /[\[\]\(\),;\:\.\<\>\=]/.test(ch)) {
+        return ret(ch, 'operator')
+      }
+      if (ch === '0' && stream.eat(/x/i)) {
+        stream.eatWhile(/[\da-f]/i);
+        return ret('number', 'number');
+      }
+      if (ch === '0' && stream.eat(/o/i)) {
+        stream.eatWhile(/[0-7]/i);
+        return ret('number', 'number');
+      }
+      if (ch === '0' && stream.eat(/b/i)) {
+        stream.eatWhile(/[01]/i);
+        return ret('number', 'number');
+      }
+      if (ch && /\d/.test(ch)) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+        stream.match(/^\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/);
+        return ret('number', 'number');
+      }
+      if (ch === '/') {
+        if (stream.eat('*')) {
+          state.tokenize = tokenComment;
+          return tokenComment(stream, state);
+        }
+        if (stream.eat('/')) {
+          stream.skipToEnd();
+          return ret('comment', 'comment');
+        }
+        if (expressionAllowed(stream, state)) {
+          readRegexp(stream);
+          stream.match(/^\b(([gimyu])(?![gimyu]*\2))+\b/);
+          return ret('regexp', 'string-2');
+        }
+        stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar);
+        return ret('operator', 'operator', stream.current());
+      }
+      if (ch === '#') {
+        stream.skipToEnd();
+        return ret('comment', 'comment');
+      }
+      if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
+        if (ch !== '>' || !state.lexical || state.lexical.type !== '>') {
+          stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar);
+        }
+        return ret('operator', 'operator', stream.current());
+      }
+      if (wordRE.test(ch)) {
+        stream.eatWhile(wordRE);
+        const word = stream.current();
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
+        if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
+          const kw = keywords[word];
+          return ret(kw.type, kw.style, word);
+        }
+        if (inValue) {
+          return ret('string', 'string', word);
+        }
+        return ret('variable', 'other', word);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function tokenComment(stream: StringStream, state: State) {
+      let maybeEnd = false, ch;
+      while ((ch = stream.next()) !== null) {
+        if (ch === '/' && maybeEnd) {
+          state.tokenize = tokenBase;
+          break;
+        }
+        maybeEnd = (ch === '*');
+      }
+      return ret('comment', 'comment');
+    }
+    // Parser
+    const atomicTypes = {
+      'atom': true,
+      'number': true,
+      'variable': true,
+      'string': true,
+      'regexp': true
+    };
+    function inScope(state: State, varname: string): CombinatorReturnType {
+      for (let v = state.localVars; v; v = v.next) {
+        if (v.name == varname) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      for (let cx = state.context; cx; cx = cx.prev) {
+        for (let v = cx.vars; v; v = v.next) {
+          if (v.name == varname) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    const cx: CX = {
+      state: null,
+      column: null,
+      marked: null,
+      cc: null
+    };
+    function parseTS(state: State, style: string, type: Type, content: string, stream: StringStream): string {
+      const cc = state.cc;
+      // Communicate our context to the combinators.
+      // (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.)
+      cx.state = state;
+      cx.stream = stream;
+      cx.marked = null;
+      cx.cc = cc;
+      cx.style = style;
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
+      if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty('align')) {
+        state.lexical.align = true;
+      }
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+      while (true) {
+        const combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : statement;
+        if (typeof combinator === 'function' && combinator(type, content)) {
+          while (cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1] && (cc[cc.length - 1] as CombinatorLexFunction).lex) {
+            cc.pop()();
+          }
+          if (cx.marked) {
+            return cx.marked;
+          }
+          if (type === 'variable' && inScope(state, content)) {
+            return 'variable-2';
+          }
+          return style;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Combinator utils
+    function pass(...args: CC[]): undefined {
+      for (let i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        cx.cc.push(args[i]);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function cont(...args: CC[]): CombinatorReturnType {
+      pass(...args);
+      return true;
+    }
+    function register(varname: string): void {
+      function inList(list: LocalVars): boolean {
+        for (let v = list; v; v = v.next) {
+          if (v.name == varname) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+        return false;
+      }
+      const state = cx.state;
+      cx.marked = 'def';
+      if (state.context) {
+        if (inList(state.localVars)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        state.localVars = { name: varname, next: state.localVars };
+      }
+    }
+    // Combinators
+    function pushlex(type: Type, info?: number | string): CombinatorLexFunction {
+      const result: CombinatorLexFunction = function(): CombinatorReturnType {
+        const state = cx.state
+        let indent = state.indented;
+        if (state.lexical.type === 'stat') {
+          indent = state.lexical.indented;
+        } else {
+          for (let outer = state.lexical; outer && outer.type === ')' && outer.align; outer = outer.prev) {
+            indent = outer.indented;
+          }
+        }
+        state.lexical = new TSLexical(indent, cx.stream.column(), type, null, state.lexical, info);
+        return undefined;
+      };
+      result.lex = true;
+      return result;
+    }
+    function poplex(): CombinatorReturnType {
+      const state = cx.state;
+      if (state.lexical.prev) {
+        if (state.lexical.type === ')') {
+          state.indented = state.lexical.indented;
+        }
+        state.lexical = state.lexical.prev;
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    poplex.lex = true;
+    function expect(wanted: Type): CombinatorFunction {
+      function exp(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+        if (type == wanted) {
+          return cont();
+        } else if (wanted === ';') {
+          return pass();
+        } else {
+          return cont(exp);
+        }
+      }
+      return exp;
+    }
+    function statement(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'keyword a') {
+        return cont(pushlex('form'), parenExpr, statement, poplex);
+      }
+      if (type === 'keyword b') {
+        return cont(pushlex('form'), statement, poplex);
+      }
+      if (type === '{') {
+        return cont(pushlex('}'), block, poplex);
+      }
+      if (type === ';') {
+        return cont();
+      }
+      if (type === 'variable') {
+        return cont(pushlex('stat'), maybelabel);
+      }
+      if (type === 'import') {
+        return cont(pushlex('stat'), afterImport, poplex);
+      }
+      if (value === '@') {
+        return cont(expression, statement)
+      }
+      return pass(pushlex('stat'), expression, expect(';'), poplex);
+    }
+    function expression(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      return expressionInner(type, false);
+    }
+    function expressionNoComma(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      return expressionInner(type, true);
+    }
+    function parenExpr(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type !== '(') {
+        return pass()
+      }
+      return cont(pushlex(')'), expression, expect(')'), poplex)
+    }
+    function expressionInner(type: Type, noComma: boolean) {
+      const maybeop = noComma ? maybeoperatorNoComma : maybeoperatorComma;
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
+      if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
+        return cont(maybeop);
+      }
+      if (type === 'keyword c') {
+        return cont(noComma ? maybeexpressionNoComma : maybeexpression);
+      }
+      if (type === '(') {
+        return cont(pushlex(')'), maybeexpression, expect(')'), poplex, maybeop);
+      }
+      if (type === 'operator') {
+        return cont(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
+      }
+      if (type === '{') {
+        return contCommasep(objprop, '}', null, maybeop);
+      }
+      return cont();
+    }
+    function maybeexpression(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+      if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) {
+        return pass();
+      }
+      return pass(expression);
+    }
+    function maybeexpressionNoComma(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+      if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) {return pass();}
+      return pass(expressionNoComma);
+    }
+    function maybeoperatorComma(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === ',') {return cont(expression);}
+      return maybeoperatorNoComma(type, value, false);
+    }
+    function maybeoperatorNoComma(type: Type, value: Value, noComma?: boolean): CombinatorReturnType {
+      const me = noComma == false ? maybeoperatorComma : maybeoperatorNoComma;
+      const expr = noComma == false ? expression : expressionNoComma;
+      if (type === 'operator') {
+        if (/\+\+|--/.test(value)) {return cont(me);}
+        if (value === '?') {return cont(expression, expect(':'), expr);}
+        return cont(expr);
+      }
+      if (type === ';') {
+        return undefined;
+      }
+      if (type === '(') {
+        return contCommasep(expressionNoComma, ')', 'call', me);
+      }
+      if (type === '.') {
+        return cont(property, me);
+      }
+      if (type === '[') {
+        return cont(pushlex(']'), maybeexpression, expect(']'), poplex, me);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function maybelabel(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === ':') {
+        return cont(poplex, statement);
+      }
+      return pass(maybeoperatorComma, expect(';'), poplex);
+    }
+    function property(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'variable') {
+        cx.marked = 'property';
+        return cont();
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function objprop(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'async') {
+        cx.marked = 'property';
+        return cont(objprop);
+      } else if (type === 'variable' || cx.style === 'keyword') {
+        cx.marked = 'property';
+        return cont(afterprop);
+      } else if (type === 'number' || type === 'string') {
+        cx.marked = cx.style + ' property';
+        return cont(afterprop);
+      } else if (type === 'modifier') {
+        return cont(objprop)
+      } else if (type === ':') {
+        return pass(afterprop)
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function afterprop(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === ':') {
+        return cont(expressionNoComma);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function commasep(what: CC, end: Type, sep?: string): CombinatorFunction {
+      function proceed(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+        if (sep ? sep.indexOf(type) > -1 : type === ',') {
+          const lex = cx.state.lexical;
+          if (lex.info === 'call') {
+            lex.pos = (lex.pos || 0) + 1;
+          }
+          return cont(
+            function(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+              if (type == end || value == end) {
+                return pass()
+              }
+              return pass(what)
+            },
+            proceed
+          );
+        }
+        if (type == end || value == end) {
+          return cont();
+        }
+        return cont(expect(end));
+      }
+      return function(type, value): CombinatorReturnType {
+        if (type == end || value == end) {
+          return cont();
+        }
+        return pass(what, proceed);
+      };
+    }
+    function contCommasep(what: CC, end: Type, info?: string, ...rest: CC[]): CombinatorReturnType {
+      for (const combinator of rest) {
+        cx.cc.push(combinator);
+      }
+      return cont(pushlex(end, info), commasep(what, end), poplex);
+    }
+    function block(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === '}') {
+        return cont();
+      }
+      return pass(statement, block);
+    }
+    function pattern(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'modifier') {
+        return cont(pattern);
+      }
+      if (type === 'variable') {
+        register(value);
+        return cont();
+      }
+      if (type === '{') {
+        return contCommasep(proppattern, '}');
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function proppattern(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'variable' && !cx.stream.match(/^\s*:/, false)) {
+        register(value);
+        return cont(maybeAssign);
+      }
+      if (type === 'variable') {
+        cx.marked = 'property';
+      }
+      if (type === '}') {
+        return pass();
+      }
+      return cont(expect(':'), pattern, maybeAssign);
+    }
+    function maybeAssign(_type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (value === '=') {
+        return cont(expressionNoComma);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function afterImport(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === 'string') {
+        return cont();
+      }
+      return pass(importSpec, maybeMoreImports, maybeFrom);
+    }
+    function importSpec(type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === '{') {
+        return contCommasep(importSpec, '}');
+      }
+      if (type === 'variable') {
+        register(value);
+      }
+      if (value === '*') {
+        cx.marked = 'keyword';
+      }
+      return cont(maybeAs);
+    }
+    function maybeMoreImports(type: Type): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (type === ',') {
+        return cont(importSpec, maybeMoreImports);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function maybeAs(_type: Value, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (value === 'as') {
+        cx.marked = 'keyword';
+        return cont(importSpec);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function maybeFrom(_type: Type, value: Value): CombinatorReturnType {
+      if (value === 'from') {
+        cx.marked = 'keyword';
+        return cont(expression);
+      }
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    function isContinuedStatement(state: State, textAfter: string): CombinatorReturnType {
+      return state.lastType === 'operator' || state.lastType === ',' ||
+        isOperatorChar.test(textAfter.charAt(0)) ||
+        /[,.]/.test(textAfter.charAt(0));
+    }
+    // Interface
+    class TypoScriptStreamParser implements StreamParser<State> {
+      public readonly electricInput: RegExp = /^\s*(?:case .*?:|default:|\{|\})$/;
+      public readonly blockCommentStart: string = '/*';
+      public readonly blockCommentEnd: string = '*/';
+      public readonly lineComment: string = '#';
+      public readonly fold: string = 'brace';
+      public readonly closeBrackets: string = '(){}\'\'""`';
+      public readonly helperType: string = 'typoscript';
+      public readonly name: string = 'TypoScript';
+      public startState(indentUnit: number): State {
+        return {
+          tokenize: tokenBase,
+          lastType: 'sof',
+          cc: [],
+          lexical: new TSLexical(-indentUnit, 0, 'block', false),
+          localVars: parserConfig.localVars,
+          context: parserConfig.localVars && { vars: parserConfig.localVars },
+          indented: 0
+        };
+      }
+      public token(stream: StringStream, state: State): string | null {
+        if (stream.sol()) {
+          // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
+          if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty('align')) {
+            state.lexical.align = false;
+          }
+          state.indented = stream.indentation();
+        }
+        if (state.tokenize != tokenComment && stream.eatSpace()) {
+          return null;
+        }
+        const style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
+        if (type === 'comment') {
+          return style;
+        }
+        state.lastType = type === 'operator' && (content === '++' || content === '--') ? 'incdec' : type;
+        return parseTS(state, style, type, content, stream);
+      }
+      public indent(state: State, textAfter: string, cx: IndentContext): number | null {
+        if (state.tokenize == tokenComment) {
+          // pass
+          return null;
+        }
+        if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) {
+          return 0;
+        }
+        const firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0)
+        let lexical = state.lexical;
+        let top;
+        while (
+          (lexical.type === 'stat' || lexical.type === 'form') && (
+            firstChar === '}' || (
+              (top = state.cc[state.cc.length - 1]) &&
+              (top == maybeoperatorComma || top == maybeoperatorNoComma) &&
+              // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+              !/^[,\.=+\-*:?[\(]/.test(textAfter)
+            )
+          )
+        ) {
+          lexical = lexical.prev;
+        }
+        if (statementIndent && lexical.type === ')' && lexical.prev.type === 'stat') {
+          lexical = lexical.prev;
+        }
+        const type = lexical.type
+        const closing = firstChar == type;
+        if (type === 'form' && firstChar === '{') {
+          return lexical.indented;
+        } else if (type === 'form') {
+          return lexical.indented + cx.unit;
+        } else if (type === 'stat') {
+          return lexical.indented + (isContinuedStatement(state, textAfter) ? statementIndent || cx.unit : 0);
+        } else if (lexical.info === 'switch' && !closing && parserConfig.doubleIndentSwitch != false) {
+          return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(textAfter) ? cx.unit : 2 * cx.unit);
+        } else if (lexical.align) {
+          return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
+        } else {
+          return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : cx.unit);
+        }
+      }
+      public expressionAllowed(stream: StringStream, state: State): boolean {
+        return expressionAllowed(stream, state);
+      }
+    }
+    return new TypoScriptStreamParser();
+  }
diff --git a/Build/types/TYPO3/index.d.ts b/Build/types/TYPO3/index.d.ts
index c8924a4c59f981552ad38910acdc1f2b3721c4f0..694e2f28f315df6540fb508f7f1f4d7884be4460 100644
--- a/Build/types/TYPO3/index.d.ts
+++ b/Build/types/TYPO3/index.d.ts
@@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ declare module '@typo3/install/chosen.jquery.min';
 declare module '@typo3/dashboard/contrib/chartjs';
 declare module '@typo3/backend/contrib/mark';
-declare module '@typo3/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript';
 interface Taboverride {
   set(elems: HTMLElement|HTMLElement[], enable?: boolean): Taboverride
diff --git a/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/language/typoscript.js b/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/language/typoscript.js
index 5b50a8b2f80fde4bc431374c85c2189989c7290a..46c8356ce913aac08ea1e05986623bd054622ca8 100644
--- a/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/language/typoscript.js
+++ b/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/language/typoscript.js
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
-import DocumentService from"@typo3/core/document-service.js";import{StreamLanguage,LanguageSupport}from"@codemirror/language";import{typoScriptStreamParser}from"@typo3/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript.js";import{TsCodeCompletion}from"@typo3/t3editor/autocomplete/ts-code-completion.js";import{syntaxTree}from"@codemirror/language";export function typoscript(){const t=StreamLanguage.define(typoScriptStreamParser),e=t.data.of({autocomplete:complete});return new LanguageSupport(t,[e])}const tsCodeCompletionInitializer=(async()=>{await DocumentService.ready();const t=parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name="effectivePid"]')?.value,10);return new TsCodeCompletion(t)})();export async function complete(t){if(!t.explicit)return null;const e=parseCodeMirror5CompatibleCompletionState(t),o=t.pos-(e.completingAfterDot?1:0),r=syntaxTree(t.state).resolveInner(o,-1),n="Document"===r.name||e.completingAfterDot?"":t.state.sliceDoc(r.from,o),s="Document"===r.name||e.completingAfterDot?t.pos:r.from;let i={start:r.from,end:o,string:n,type:r.name};/^[\w$_]*$/.test(n)||(i={start:t.pos,end:t.pos,string:"",type:"."===n?"property":null}),e.token=i;const a=(await tsCodeCompletionInitializer).refreshCodeCompletion(e);if(("string"===r.name||"comment"===r.name)&&tokenIsSubStringOfKeywords(n,a))return null;return{from:s,options:getCompletions(n,a).map((t=>({label:t,type:"keyword"})))}}function parseCodeMirror5CompatibleCompletionState(t){const e=t.state.sliceDoc().split(t.state.lineBreak).length,o=t.state.sliceDoc(0,t.pos).split(t.state.lineBreak).length,r=t.state.sliceDoc().split(t.state.lineBreak)[o-1],n="."===t.state.sliceDoc(t.pos-1,t.pos);return{lineTokens:extractCodemirror5StyleLineTokens(e,t),currentLineNumber:o,currentLine:r,lineCount:e,completingAfterDot:n}}function extractCodemirror5StyleLineTokens(t,e){const o=Array(t).fill("").map((()=>[]));let r=0,n=1;return syntaxTree(e.state).cursor().iterate((s=>{const i=s.type.name||s.name;if("Document"===i)return;const a=s.from,l=s.to;r<a&&e.state.sliceDoc(r,a).split(e.state.lineBreak).forEach((e=>{e&&(o[Math.min(n-1,t-1)].push({type:null,string:e,start:r,end:r+e.length}),n++,r+=e.length)}));const c=e.state.sliceDoc(s.from,s.to);n=e.state.sliceDoc(0,s.from).split(e.state.lineBreak).length,o[n-1].push({type:i,string:c,start:a,end:l}),r=l})),r<e.state.doc.length&&o[n-1].push({type:null,string:e.state.sliceDoc(r),start:r,end:e.state.doc.length}),o}function tokenIsSubStringOfKeywords(t,e){const o=t.length;for(let r=0;r<e.length;++r)if(t===e[r].substr(o))return!0;return!1}function getCompletions(t,e){const o=new Set;for(let n=0,s=e.length;n<s;++n)0!==(r=e[n]).lastIndexOf(t,0)||o.has(r)||o.add(r);var r;const n=Array.from(o);return n.sort(),n}
\ No newline at end of file
+import DocumentService from"@typo3/core/document-service.js";import{StreamLanguage,LanguageSupport}from"@codemirror/language";import{TypoScriptStreamParserFactory}from"@typo3/t3editor/stream-parser/typoscript.js";import{TsCodeCompletion}from"@typo3/t3editor/autocomplete/ts-code-completion.js";import{syntaxTree}from"@codemirror/language";export function typoscript(){const t=StreamLanguage.define((new TypoScriptStreamParserFactory).create()),e=t.data.of({autocomplete:complete});return new LanguageSupport(t,[e])}const tsCodeCompletionInitializer=(async()=>{await DocumentService.ready();const t=parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name="effectivePid"]')?.value,10);return new TsCodeCompletion(t)})();export async function complete(t){if(!t.explicit)return null;const e=parseCodeMirror5CompatibleCompletionState(t),o=t.pos-(e.completingAfterDot?1:0),r=syntaxTree(t.state).resolveInner(o,-1),n="Document"===r.name||e.completingAfterDot?"":t.state.sliceDoc(r.from,o),s="Document"===r.name||e.completingAfterDot?t.pos:r.from;let a={start:r.from,end:o,string:n,type:r.name};/^[\w$_]*$/.test(n)||(a={start:t.pos,end:t.pos,string:"",type:"."===n?"property":null}),e.token=a;const i=(await tsCodeCompletionInitializer).refreshCodeCompletion(e);if(("string"===r.name||"comment"===r.name)&&tokenIsSubStringOfKeywords(n,i))return null;return{from:s,options:getCompletions(n,i).map((t=>({label:t,type:"keyword"})))}}function parseCodeMirror5CompatibleCompletionState(t){const e=t.state.sliceDoc().split(t.state.lineBreak).length,o=t.state.sliceDoc(0,t.pos).split(t.state.lineBreak).length,r=t.state.sliceDoc().split(t.state.lineBreak)[o-1],n="."===t.state.sliceDoc(t.pos-1,t.pos);return{lineTokens:extractCodemirror5StyleLineTokens(e,t),currentLineNumber:o,currentLine:r,lineCount:e,completingAfterDot:n}}function extractCodemirror5StyleLineTokens(t,e){const o=Array(t).fill("").map((()=>[]));let r=0,n=1;return syntaxTree(e.state).cursor().iterate((s=>{const a=s.type.name||s.name;if("Document"===a)return;const i=s.from,c=s.to;r<i&&e.state.sliceDoc(r,i).split(e.state.lineBreak).forEach((e=>{e&&(o[Math.min(n-1,t-1)].push({type:null,string:e,start:r,end:r+e.length}),n++,r+=e.length)}));const l=e.state.sliceDoc(s.from,s.to);n=e.state.sliceDoc(0,s.from).split(e.state.lineBreak).length,o[n-1].push({type:a,string:l,start:i,end:c}),r=c})),r<e.state.doc.length&&o[n-1].push({type:null,string:e.state.sliceDoc(r),start:r,end:e.state.doc.length}),o}function tokenIsSubStringOfKeywords(t,e){const o=t.length;for(let r=0;r<e.length;++r)if(t===e[r].substr(o))return!0;return!1}function getCompletions(t,e){const o=new Set;for(let n=0,s=e.length;n<s;++n)0!==(r=e[n]).lastIndexOf(t,0)||o.has(r)||o.add(r);var r;const n=Array.from(o);return n.sort(),n}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/stream-parser/typoscript.js b/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/stream-parser/typoscript.js
index a213dc95ccf63bea6ab62f57c88e24a582739609..72cdb48df011a760a728d27729e5374d1947317a 100644
--- a/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/stream-parser/typoscript.js
+++ b/typo3/sysext/t3editor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/stream-parser/typoscript.js
@@ -1,1757 +1,13 @@
-function createTypoScriptMode() {
-  function expressionAllowed(stream, state, backUp) {
-    return /^(?:operator|sof|keyword c|case|new|export|default|[\[{}\(,;:]|=>)$/.test(state.lastType) ||
-      (state.lastType === "quasi" && /\{\s*$/.test(stream.string.slice(0, stream.pos - (backUp || 0))))
-  }
-  function doCreateTypoScriptMode() {
-    var wordRE = /[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/;
-    var statementIndent = undefined;
-    var parserConfig = {name: 'typoscript'};
-    // Tokenizer
-    var keywords = function() {
-      function kw(type) {
-        return {type: type, style: "keyword"};
-      }
-      var A = kw("keyword a"), B = kw("keyword b");
-      return {
-        '_LOCAL_LANG': kw('_LOCAL_LANG'),
-        '_offset': kw('_offset'),
-        'absRefPrefix': kw('absRefPrefix'),
-        'accessibility': kw('accessibility'),
-        'ACT': B,
-        'ACTIFSUB': B,
-        'ACTIFSUBRO': kw('ACTIFSUBRO'),
-        'ACTRO': B,
-        'addAttributes': kw('addAttributes'),
-        'addExtUrlsAndShortCuts': kw('addExtUrlsAndShortCuts'),
-        'addItems': kw('addItems'),
-        'additionalHeaders': kw('additionalHeaders'),
-        'additionalParams': kw('additionalParams'),
-        'addQueryString': kw('addQueryString'),
-        'adjustItemsH': kw('adjustItemsH'),
-        'adjustSubItemsH': kw('adjustSubItemsH'),
-        'admPanel': A,
-        'after': kw('after'),
-        'afterImg': kw('afterImg'),
-        'afterImgLink': kw('afterImgLink'),
-        'afterImgTagParams': kw('afterImgTagParams'),
-        'afterROImg': kw('afterROImg'),
-        'afterWrap': kw('afterWrap'),
-        'age': kw('age'),
-        'alertPopups': kw('alertPopups'),
-        'align': kw('align'),
-        'all': B,
-        'allow': kw('allow'),
-        'allowCaching': kw('allowCaching'),
-        'allowedAttribs': kw('allowedAttribs'),
-        'allowedClasses': kw('allowedClasses'),
-        'allowedCols': kw('allowedCols'),
-        'allowedNewTables': kw('allowedNewTables'),
-        'allowTags': kw('allowTags'),
-        'allStdWrap': kw('allStdWrap'),
-        'allWrap': kw('allWrap'),
-        'alt_print': A,
-        'alternativeSortingField': kw('alternativeSortingField'),
-        'altIcons': kw('altIcons'),
-        'altImgResource': kw('altImgResource'),
-        'altLabels': kw('altLabels'),
-        'altTarget': kw('altTarget'),
-        'altText': kw('altText'),
-        'altUrl': kw('altUrl'),
-        'altUrl_noDefaultParams': kw('altUrl_noDefaultParams'),
-        'altWrap': kw('altWrap'),
-        'always': kw('always'),
-        'alwaysActivePIDlist': kw('alwaysActivePIDlist'),
-        'alwaysLink': kw('alwaysLink'),
-        'andWhere': kw('andWhere'),
-        'angle': kw('angle'),
-        'antiAlias': kw('antiAlias'),
-        'append': kw('append'),
-        'applyTotalH': kw('applyTotalH'),
-        'applyTotalW': kw('applyTotalW'),
-        'archive': kw('archive'),
-        'ascii': B,
-        'ATagAfterWrap': kw('ATagAfterWrap'),
-        'ATagBeforeWrap': kw('ATagBeforeWrap'),
-        'ATagParams': kw('ATagParams'),
-        'ATagTitle': kw('ATagTitle'),
-        'atLeast': B,
-        'atMost': B,
-        'attribute': kw('attribute'),
-        'auth': A,
-        'autoLevels': kw('autoLevels'),
-        'autonumber': kw('autonumber'),
-        'backColor': kw('backColor'),
-        'background': kw('background'),
-        'baseURL': kw('baseURL'),
-        'BE': B,
-        'be_groups': B,
-        'be_users': B,
-        'before': kw('before'),
-        'beforeImg': kw('beforeImg'),
-        'beforeImgLink': kw('beforeImgLink'),
-        'beforeImgTagParams': kw('beforeImgTagParams'),
-        'beforeROImg': kw('beforeROImg'),
-        'beforeWrap': kw('beforeWrap'),
-        'begin': kw('begin'),
-        'bgCol': kw('bgCol'),
-        'bgImg': kw('bgImg'),
-        'blur': kw('blur'),
-        'bm': kw('bm'),
-        'bodyTag': kw('bodyTag'),
-        'bodyTagAdd': kw('bodyTagAdd'),
-        'bodyTagCObject': kw('bodyTagCObject'),
-        'bodytext': kw('bodytext'),
-        'borderCol': kw('borderCol'),
-        'borderThick': kw('borderThick'),
-        'bottomBackColor': kw('bottomBackColor'),
-        'bottomContent': kw('bottomContent'),
-        'bottomHeight': kw('bottomHeight'),
-        'bottomImg': kw('bottomImg'),
-        'bottomImg_mask': kw('bottomImg_mask'),
-        'BOX': B,
-        'br': kw('br'),
-        'browse': B,
-        'browser': A,
-        'brTag': kw('brTag'),
-        'bullet': kw('bullet'),
-        'bulletlist': kw('bulletlist'),
-        'bullets': B,
-        'bytes': kw('bytes'),
-        'cache': A,
-        'cache_clearAtMidnight': kw('cache_clearAtMidnight'),
-        'cache_period': kw('cache_period'),
-        'caption': kw('caption'),
-        'caption_stdWrap': kw('caption_stdWrap'),
-        'captionHeader': kw('captionHeader'),
-        'captionSplit': kw('captionSplit'),
-        'CARRAY': kw('CARRAY'),
-        'CASE': kw('CASE'),
-        'case': kw('case'),
-        'casesensitiveComp': kw('casesensitiveComp'),
-        'cellpadding': kw('cellpadding'),
-        'cellspacing': kw('cellspacing'),
-        'char': kw('char'),
-        'charcoal': kw('charcoal'),
-        'charMapConfig': kw('charMapConfig'),
-        'CHECK': A,
-        'check': kw('check'),
-        'class': kw('class'),
-        'classesAnchor': kw('classesAnchor'),
-        'classesCharacter': kw('classesCharacter'),
-        'classesImage': kw('classesImage'),
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-        'submenuObjSuffixes': kw('submenuObjSuffixes'),
-        'subMenuOffset': kw('subMenuOffset'),
-        'submit': kw('submit'),
-        'subparts': A,
-        'subst_elementUid': kw('subst_elementUid'),
-        'substMarksSeparately': kw('substMarksSeparately'),
-        'substring': kw('substring'),
-        'swirl': kw('swirl'),
-        'sys_dmail': B,
-        'sys_filemounts': B,
-        'sys_note': B,
-        'sys_template': B,
-        'system': A,
-        'table': B,
-        'tableCellColor': kw('tableCellColor'),
-        'tableParams': kw('tableParams'),
-        'tables': kw('tables'),
-        'tableStdWrap': kw('tableStdWrap'),
-        'tableWidth': kw('tableWidth'),
-        'tags': kw('tags'),
-        'target': kw('target'),
-        'TCAdefaults': kw('TCAdefaults'),
-        'TCEFORM': kw('TCEFORM'),
-        'TCEMAIN': kw('TCEMAIN'),
-        'TDparams': kw('TDparams'),
-        'temp': A,
-        'template': A,
-        'templateContent': kw('templateContent'),
-        'templateFile': kw('templateFile'),
-        'TEXT': kw('TEXT'),
-        'text': B,
-        'textarea': kw('textarea'),
-        'textMargin': kw('textMargin'),
-        'textMargin_outOfText': kw('textMargin_outOfText'),
-        'textMaxLength': kw('textMaxLength'),
-        'textObjNum': kw('textObjNum'),
-        'textpic': B,
-        'textPos': kw('textPos'),
-        'thickness': kw('thickness'),
-        'this': B,
-        'tile': kw('tile'),
-        'time_stdWrap': kw('time_stdWrap'),
-        'tipafriendLib': kw('tipafriendLib'),
-        'title': kw('title'),
-        'titleLen': kw('titleLen'),
-        'titleText': kw('titleText'),
-        'tm': kw('tm'),
-        'TMENU': kw('TMENU'),
-        'TMENUITEM': kw('TMENUITEM'),
-        'token': kw('token'),
-        'top': B,
-        'totalWidth': kw('totalWidth'),
-        'transparentBackground': kw('transparentBackground'),
-        'transparentColor': kw('transparentColor'),
-        'treeLevel': A,
-        'trim': kw('trim'),
-        'true': B,
-        'tsdebug': A,
-        'tsdebug_tree': kw('tsdebug_tree'),
-        'TSFE': kw('TSFE'),
-        'type': kw('type'),
-        'typeNum': kw('typeNum'),
-        'types': kw('types'),
-        'typolink': A,
-        'uid': B,
-        'uidInList': kw('uidInList'),
-        'uniqueGlobal': B,
-        'uniqueLocal': B,
-        'unset': kw('unset'),
-        'unsetEmpty': B,
-        'updated': B,
-        'uploads': B,
-        'upper': kw('upper'),
-        'url': A,
-        'us': B,
-        'useLargestItemX': kw('useLargestItemX'),
-        'useLargestItemY': kw('useLargestItemY'),
-        'USER': kw('USER'),
-        'user': kw('user'),
-        'USER_INT': kw('USER_INT'),
-        'user_task': B,
-        'useragent': A,
-        'USERDEF1': B,
-        'USERDEF1RO': B,
-        'USERDEF2': B,
-        'USERDEF2RO': B,
-        'userdefined': kw('userdefined'),
-        'userFunc': A,
-        'userfunction': kw('userfunction'),
-        'usergroup': B,
-        'userid': kw('userid'),
-        'userProc': kw('userProc'),
-        'USR': B,
-        'USRRO': B,
-        'value': kw('value'),
-        'valueArray': kw('valueArray'),
-        'version': A,
-        'view': A,
-        'wave': kw('wave'),
-        'web_func': B,
-        'web_info': B,
-        'web_layout': B,
-        'web_list': B,
-        'web_ts': kw('web_ts'),
-        'where': kw('where'),
-        'width': kw('width'),
-        'wiz': kw('wiz'),
-        'wordSpacing': kw('wordSpacing'),
-        'workArea': kw('workArea'),
-        'workOnSubpart': A,
-        'wrap': kw('wrap'),
-        'wrap1': kw('wrap1'),
-        'wrap2': kw('wrap2'),
-        'wrap3': kw('wrap3'),
-        'wrapAfterTags': kw('wrapAfterTags'),
-        'wrapAlign': kw('wrapAlign'),
-        'wrapFieldName': kw('wrapFieldName'),
-        'wrapItemAndSub': kw('wrapItemAndSub'),
-        'wrapNonWrappedLines': kw('wrapNonWrappedLines'),
-        'wraps': kw('wraps'),
-        'xhtml_cleaning': kw('xhtml_cleaning'),
-        'xhtml_strict': B,
-        'xhtml_trans': B,
-        'xmlprologue': kw('xmlprologue'),
-        'XY': B
-      };
-    }();
-    var isOperatorChar = /[\+\-\*\&\%\/=<>!\?]/;
-    var inValue = false;
-    function readRegexp(stream) {
-      var escaped = false, next, inSet = false;
-      while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
-        if (!escaped) {
-          if (next === "/" && !inSet) return;
-          if (next === "[") inSet = true;
-          else if (inSet && next === "]") inSet = false;
-        }
-        escaped = !escaped && next === "\\";
-      }
-    }
-    // Used as scratch variables to communicate multiple values without
-    // consing up tons of objects.
-    var type, content;
-    function ret(tp, style, cont) {
-      type = tp;
-      content = cont;
-      return style;
-    }
-    function tokenBase(stream, state) {
-      var ch = stream.next();
-      if (ch === "\n") {
-        inValue = false;
-      }
-      if (ch === "." && stream.match(/^\d+(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/)) {
-        return ret("number", "number");
-      }
-      if (ch === "." && stream.match("..")) {
-        return ret("spread", "meta");
-      }
-      if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) {
-        return ret(ch);
-      }
-      if ((ch === '<' || ch === '>' || ch === '.' || (ch === '=' && stream.peek() !== '<'))) {
-        inValue = true;
-        return ret(ch, 'operator')
-      }
-      if (!inValue && /[\[\]\(\),;\:\.\<\>\=]/.test(ch)) {
-        return ret(ch, 'operator')
-      }
-      if (ch === "0" && stream.eat(/x/i)) {
-        stream.eatWhile(/[\da-f]/i);
-        return ret("number", "number");
-      }
-      if (ch === "0" && stream.eat(/o/i)) {
-        stream.eatWhile(/[0-7]/i);
-        return ret("number", "number");
-      }
-      if (ch === "0" && stream.eat(/b/i)) {
-        stream.eatWhile(/[01]/i);
-        return ret("number", "number");
-      }
-      if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
-        stream.match(/^\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/);
-        return ret("number", "number");
-      }
-      if (ch === "/") {
-        if (stream.eat("*")) {
-          state.tokenize = tokenComment;
-          return tokenComment(stream, state);
-        }
-        if (stream.eat("/")) {
-          stream.skipToEnd();
-          return ret("comment", "comment");
-        }
-        if (expressionAllowed(stream, state, 1)) {
-          readRegexp(stream);
-          stream.match(/^\b(([gimyu])(?![gimyu]*\2))+\b/);
-          return ret("regexp", "string-2");
-        }
-        stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar);
-        return ret("operator", "operator", stream.current());
-      }
-      if (ch === "`") {
-        state.tokenize = tokenQuasi;
-        return tokenQuasi(stream, state);
-      }
-      if (ch === "#") {
-        stream.skipToEnd();
-        return ret("comment", "comment");
-      }
-      if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
-        if (ch !== ">" || !state.lexical || state.lexical.type !== ">") {
-          stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar);
-        }
-        return ret("operator", "operator", stream.current());
-      }
-      if (wordRE.test(ch)) {
-        stream.eatWhile(wordRE);
-        var word = stream.current();
-        if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
-          var kw = keywords[word];
-          return ret(kw.type, kw.style, word);
-        }
-        if (word === "async" && stream.match(/^\s*[\(\w]/, false)) {
-          return ret("async", "keyword", word);
-        }
-        if (inValue) {
-          return ret('string', 'string', word);
-        }
-        return ret("variable", "other", word);
-      }
-    }
-    function tokenString(quote) {
-      return function(stream, state) {
-        var escaped = false, next;
-        while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
-          if (next == quote && !escaped) break;
-          escaped = !escaped && next === "\\";
-        }
-        if (!escaped) state.tokenize = tokenBase;
-        return ret("string", "string");
-      };
-    }
-    function tokenComment(stream, state) {
-      var maybeEnd = false, ch;
-      while (ch = stream.next()) {
-        if (ch === "/" && maybeEnd) {
-          state.tokenize = tokenBase;
-          break;
-        }
-        maybeEnd = (ch === "*");
-      }
-      return ret("comment", "comment");
-    }
-    function tokenQuasi(stream, state) {
-      var escaped = false, next;
-      while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
-        if (!escaped && (next === "`" || next === "$" && stream.eat("{"))) {
-          state.tokenize = tokenBase;
-          break;
-        }
-        escaped = !escaped && next === "\\";
-      }
-      return ret("quasi", "string-2", stream.current());
-    }
-    var brackets = "([{}])";
-    // This is a crude lookahead trick to try and notice that we're
-    // parsing the argument patterns for a fat-arrow function before we
-    // actually hit the arrow token. It only works if the arrow is on
-    // the same line as the arguments and there's no strange noise
-    // (comments) in between. Fallback is to only notice when we hit the
-    // arrow, and not declare the arguments as locals for the arrow
-    // body.
-    function findFatArrow(stream, state) {
-      if (state.fatArrowAt) state.fatArrowAt = null;
-      var arrow = stream.string.indexOf("=>", stream.start);
-      if (arrow < 0) return;
-      var depth = 0, sawSomething = false;
-      for (var pos = arrow - 1; pos >= 0; --pos) {
-        var ch = stream.string.charAt(pos);
-        var bracket = brackets.indexOf(ch);
-        if (bracket >= 0 && bracket < 3) {
-          if (!depth) {
-            ++pos;
-            break;
-          }
-          if (--depth == 0) {
-            if (ch === "(") sawSomething = true;
-            break;
-          }
-        } else if (bracket >= 3 && bracket < 6) {
-          ++depth;
-        } else if (wordRE.test(ch)) {
-          sawSomething = true;
-        } else if (/["'\/]/.test(ch)) {
-          return;
-        } else if (sawSomething && !depth) {
-          ++pos;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (sawSomething && !depth) state.fatArrowAt = pos;
-    }
-    // Parser
-    var atomicTypes = {
-      "atom": true,
-      "number": true,
-      "variable": true,
-      "string": true,
-      "regexp": true
-    };
-    function TSLexical(indented, column, type, align, prev, info) {
-      this.indented = indented;
-      this.column = column;
-      this.type = type;
-      this.prev = prev;
-      this.info = info;
-      if (align != null) this.align = align;
-    }
-    function inScope(state, varname) {
-      for (var v = state.localVars; v; v = v.next)
-        if (v.name == varname) return true;
-      for (var cx = state.context; cx; cx = cx.prev) {
-        for (var v = cx.vars; v; v = v.next)
-          if (v.name == varname) return true;
-      }
-    }
-    function parseTS(state, style, type, content, stream) {
-      var cc = state.cc;
-      // Communicate our context to the combinators.
-      // (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.)
-      cx.state = state;
-      cx.stream = stream;
-      cx.marked = null;
-      cx.cc = cc;
-      cx.style = style;
-      if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
-        state.lexical.align = true;
-      while (true) {
-        var combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : statement;
-        if (typeof combinator === 'function' && combinator(type, content)) {
-          while (cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1] && cc[cc.length - 1].lex)
-            cc.pop()();
-          if (cx.marked) return cx.marked;
-          if (type === "variable" && inScope(state, content)) return "variable-2";
-          return style;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Combinator utils
-    var cx = {state: null, column: null, marked: null, cc: null};
-    function pass() {
-      for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cx.cc.push(arguments[i]);
-    }
-    function cont() {
-      pass.apply(null, arguments);
-      return true;
-    }
-    function register(varname) {
-      function inList(list) {
-        for (var v = list; v; v = v.next)
-          if (v.name == varname) return true;
-        return false;
-      }
-      var state = cx.state;
-      cx.marked = "def";
-      if (state.context) {
-        if (inList(state.localVars)) return;
-        state.localVars = {name: varname, next: state.localVars};
-      } else {
-        if (inList(state.globalVars)) return;
-        if (parserConfig.globalVars)
-          state.globalVars = {name: varname, next: state.globalVars};
-      }
-    }
-    // Combinators
-    var defaultVars = {name: "this", next: {name: "arguments"}};
-    function pushcontext() {
-      cx.state.context = {prev: cx.state.context, vars: cx.state.localVars};
-      cx.state.localVars = defaultVars;
-    }
-    function popcontext() {
-      cx.state.localVars = cx.state.context.vars;
-      cx.state.context = cx.state.context.prev;
-    }
-    function pushlex(type, info) {
-      var result = function() {
-        var state = cx.state, indent = state.indented;
-        if (state.lexical.type === "stat") indent = state.lexical.indented;
-        else for (var outer = state.lexical; outer && outer.type === ")" && outer.align; outer = outer.prev)
-          indent = outer.indented;
-        state.lexical = new TSLexical(indent, cx.stream.column(), type, null, state.lexical, info);
-      };
-      result.lex = true;
-      return result;
-    }
-    function poplex() {
-      var state = cx.state;
-      if (state.lexical.prev) {
-        if (state.lexical.type === ")")
-          state.indented = state.lexical.indented;
-        state.lexical = state.lexical.prev;
-      }
-    }
-    poplex.lex = true;
-    function expect(wanted) {
-      function exp(type) {
-        if (type == wanted) return cont();
-        else if (wanted === ";") return pass();
-        else return cont(exp);
-      };
-      return exp;
-    }
-    function statement(type, value) {
-      if (type === "var") return cont(pushlex("vardef", value.length), vardef, expect(";"), poplex);
-      if (type === "keyword a") return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, statement, poplex);
-      if (type === "keyword b") return cont(pushlex("form"), statement, poplex);
-      if (type === "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
-      if (type === ";") return cont();
-      if (type === "if") {
-        if (cx.state.lexical.info === "else" && cx.state.cc[cx.state.cc.length - 1] == poplex) {
-          cx.state.cc.pop()();
-        }
-        return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, statement, poplex, maybeelse);
-      }
-      if (type === "function") return cont(functiondef);
-      if (type === "for") return cont(pushlex("form"), forspec, statement, poplex);
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        return cont(pushlex("stat"), maybelabel);
-      }
-      if (type === "switch") return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, expect("{"), pushlex("}", "switch"),
-        block, poplex, poplex);
-      if (type === "case") return cont(expression, expect(":"));
-      if (type === "default") return cont(expect(":"));
-      if (type === "catch") return cont(pushlex("form"), pushcontext, expect("("), funarg, expect(")"),
-        statement, poplex, popcontext);
-      if (type === "class") return cont(pushlex("form"), className, poplex);
-      if (type === "export") return cont(pushlex("stat"), afterExport, poplex);
-      if (type === "import") return cont(pushlex("stat"), afterImport, poplex);
-      if (type === "module") return cont(pushlex("form"), pattern, expect("{"), pushlex("}"), block, poplex, poplex)
-      if (type === "async") return cont(statement)
-      if (value === "@") return cont(expression, statement)
-      return pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, expect(";"), poplex);
-    }
-    function expression(type) {
-      return expressionInner(type, false);
-    }
-    function expressionNoComma(type) {
-      return expressionInner(type, true);
-    }
-    function parenExpr(type) {
-      if (type !== "(") return pass()
-      return cont(pushlex(")"), expression, expect(")"), poplex)
-    }
-    function expressionInner(type, noComma) {
-      var maybeop = noComma ? maybeoperatorNoComma : maybeoperatorComma;
-      if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
-        return cont(maybeop);
-      }
-      if (type === "keyword c") {
-        return cont(noComma ? maybeexpressionNoComma : maybeexpression);
-      }
-      if (type === "(") {
-        return cont(pushlex(")"), maybeexpression, expect(")"), poplex, maybeop);
-      }
-      if (type === "operator" || type === "spread") {
-        return cont(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
-      }
-      if (type === "[") {
-        return cont(pushlex("]"), arrayLiteral, poplex, maybeop);
-      }
-      if (type === "{") {
-        return contCommasep(objprop, "}", null, maybeop);
-      }
-      return cont();
-    }
-    function maybeexpression(type) {
-      if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) return pass();
-      return pass(expression);
-    }
-    function maybeexpressionNoComma(type) {
-      if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) return pass();
-      return pass(expressionNoComma);
-    }
-    function maybeoperatorComma(type, value) {
-      if (type === ",") return cont(expression);
-      return maybeoperatorNoComma(type, value, false);
-    }
-    function maybeoperatorNoComma(type, value, noComma) {
-      var me = noComma == false ? maybeoperatorComma : maybeoperatorNoComma;
-      var expr = noComma == false ? expression : expressionNoComma;
-      if (type === "=>") return cont(pushcontext, noComma ? arrowBodyNoComma : arrowBody, popcontext);
-      if (type === "operator") {
-        if (/\+\+|--/.test(value)) return cont(me);
-        if (value === "?") return cont(expression, expect(":"), expr);
-        return cont(expr);
-      }
-      if (type === "quasi") {
-        return pass(quasi, me);
-      }
-      if (type === ";") return;
-      if (type === "(") return contCommasep(expressionNoComma, ")", "call", me);
-      if (type === ".") return cont(property, me);
-      if (type === "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), maybeexpression, expect("]"), poplex, me);
-    }
-    function quasi(type, value) {
-      if (type !== "quasi") return pass();
-      if (value.slice(value.length - 2) !== "${") return cont(quasi);
-      return cont(expression, continueQuasi);
-    }
-    function continueQuasi(type) {
-      if (type === "}") {
-        cx.marked = "string-2";
-        cx.state.tokenize = tokenQuasi;
-        return cont(quasi);
-      }
-    }
-    function arrowBody(type) {
-      findFatArrow(cx.stream, cx.state);
-      return pass(type === "{" ? statement : expression);
-    }
-    function arrowBodyNoComma(type) {
-      findFatArrow(cx.stream, cx.state);
-      return pass(type === "{" ? statement : expressionNoComma);
-    }
-    function maybeTarget(noComma) {
-      return function(type) {
-        if (type === ".") return cont(noComma ? targetNoComma : target);
-        else return pass(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
-      };
-    }
-    function target(_, value) {
-      if (value === "target") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(maybeoperatorComma);
-      }
-    }
-    function targetNoComma(_, value) {
-      if (value === "target") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(maybeoperatorNoComma);
-      }
-    }
-    function maybelabel(type) {
-      if (type === ":") return cont(poplex, statement);
-      return pass(maybeoperatorComma, expect(";"), poplex);
-    }
-    function property(type) {
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        cx.marked = "property";
-        return cont();
-      }
-    }
-    function objprop(type, value) {
-      if (type === "async") {
-        cx.marked = "property";
-        return cont(objprop);
-      } else if (type === "variable" || cx.style === "keyword") {
-        cx.marked = "property";
-        if (value === "get" || value === "set") return cont(getterSetter);
-        return cont(afterprop);
-      } else if (type === "number" || type === "string") {
-        cx.marked = cx.style + " property";
-        return cont(afterprop);
-      } else if (type === "jsonld-keyword") {
-        return cont(afterprop);
-      } else if (type === "modifier") {
-        return cont(objprop)
-      } else if (type === "[") {
-        return cont(expression, expect("]"), afterprop);
-      } else if (type === "spread") {
-        return cont(expression, afterprop);
-      } else if (type === ":") {
-        return pass(afterprop)
-      }
-    }
-    function getterSetter(type) {
-      if (type !== "variable") return pass(afterprop);
-      cx.marked = "property";
-      return cont(functiondef);
-    }
-    function afterprop(type) {
-      if (type === ":") return cont(expressionNoComma);
-      if (type === "(") return pass(functiondef);
-    }
-    function commasep(what, end, sep) {
-      function proceed(type, value) {
-        if (sep ? sep.indexOf(type) > -1 : type === ",") {
-          var lex = cx.state.lexical;
-          if (lex.info === "call") lex.pos = (lex.pos || 0) + 1;
-          return cont(function(type, value) {
-            if (type == end || value == end) return pass()
-            return pass(what)
-          }, proceed);
-        }
-        if (type == end || value == end) return cont();
-        return cont(expect(end));
-      }
-      return function(type, value) {
-        if (type == end || value == end) return cont();
-        return pass(what, proceed);
-      };
-    }
-    function contCommasep(what, end, info) {
-      for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++)
-        cx.cc.push(arguments[i]);
-      return cont(pushlex(end, info), commasep(what, end), poplex);
-    }
-    function block(type) {
-      if (type === "}") return cont();
-      return pass(statement, block);
-    }
-    function typeexpr(type) {
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        cx.marked = "type";
-        return cont(afterType);
-      }
-      if (type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "atom") return cont(afterType);
-      if (type === "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), commasep(typeprop, "}", ",;"), poplex, afterType)
-      if (type === "(") return cont(commasep(typearg, ")"), maybeReturnType)
-    }
-    function maybeReturnType(type) {
-      if (type === "=>") return cont(typeexpr)
-    }
-    function typeprop(type, value) {
-      if (type === "variable" || cx.style === "keyword") {
-        cx.marked = "property"
-        return cont(typeprop)
-      } else if (value === "?") {
-        return cont(typeprop)
-      } else if (type === ":") {
-        return cont(typeexpr)
-      } else if (type === "[") {
-        return cont(expression, null, expect("]"), typeprop)
-      }
-    }
-    function typearg(type) {
-      if (type === "variable") return cont(typearg)
-      else if (type === ":") return cont(typeexpr)
-    }
-    function afterType(type, value) {
-      if (value === "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeexpr, ">"), poplex, afterType)
-      if (value === "|" || type === ".") return cont(typeexpr)
-      if (type === "[") return cont(expect("]"), afterType)
-      if (value === "extends") return cont(typeexpr)
-    }
-    function vardef() {
-      return pass(pattern, null, maybeAssign, vardefCont);
-    }
-    function pattern(type, value) {
-      if (type === "modifier") return cont(pattern)
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        register(value);
-        return cont();
-      }
-      if (type === "spread") return cont(pattern);
-      if (type === "[") return contCommasep(pattern, "]");
-      if (type === "{") return contCommasep(proppattern, "}");
-    }
-    function proppattern(type, value) {
-      if (type === "variable" && !cx.stream.match(/^\s*:/, false)) {
-        register(value);
-        return cont(maybeAssign);
-      }
-      if (type === "variable") cx.marked = "property";
-      if (type === "spread") return cont(pattern);
-      if (type === "}") return pass();
-      return cont(expect(":"), pattern, maybeAssign);
-    }
-    function maybeAssign(_type, value) {
-      if (value === "=") return cont(expressionNoComma);
-    }
-    function vardefCont(type) {
-      if (type === ",") return cont(vardef);
-    }
-    function maybeelse(type, value) {
-      if (type === "keyword b" && value === "else") return cont(pushlex("form", "else"), statement, poplex);
-    }
-    function forspec(type) {
-      if (type === "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), forspec1, expect(")"), poplex);
-    }
-    function forspec1(type) {
-      if (type === "var") return cont(vardef, expect(";"), forspec2);
-      if (type === ";") return cont(forspec2);
-      if (type === "variable") return cont(formaybeinof);
-      return pass(expression, expect(";"), forspec2);
-    }
-    function formaybeinof(_type, value) {
-      if (value === "in" || value === "of") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(expression);
-      }
-      return cont(maybeoperatorComma, forspec2);
-    }
-    function forspec2(type, value) {
-      if (type === ";") return cont(forspec3);
-      if (value === "in" || value === "of") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(expression);
-      }
-      return pass(expression, expect(";"), forspec3);
-    }
-    function forspec3(type) {
-      if (type !== ")") cont(expression);
-    }
-    function functiondef(type, value) {
-      if (value === "*") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(functiondef);
-      }
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        register(value);
-        return cont(functiondef);
-      }
-      if (type === "(") return cont(pushcontext, pushlex(")"), commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, null, statement, popcontext);
-    }
-    function funarg(type) {
-      if (type === "spread") return cont(funarg);
-      return pass(pattern, null, maybeAssign);
-    }
-    function classExpression(type, value) {
-      // Class expressions may have an optional name.
-      if (type === "variable") return className(type, value);
-      return classNameAfter(type, value);
-    }
-    function className(type, value) {
-      if (type === "variable") {
-        register(value);
-        return cont(classNameAfter);
-      }
-    }
-    function classNameAfter(type, value) {
-      if (value === "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeexpr, ">"), poplex, classNameAfter)
-      if (value === "extends" || value === "implements")
-        return cont(expression, classNameAfter);
-      if (type === "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), classBody, poplex);
-    }
-    function classBody(type, value) {
-      if (type === "variable" || cx.style === "keyword") {
-        if ((value === "async" || value === "static" || value === "get" || value === "set") &&
-          cx.stream.match(/^\s+[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/, false)) {
-          cx.marked = "keyword";
-          return cont(classBody);
-        }
-        cx.marked = "property";
-        return cont(functiondef, classBody);
-      }
-      if (type === "[")
-        return cont(expression, expect("]"), functiondef, classBody)
-      if (value === "*") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(classBody);
-      }
-      if (type === ";") return cont(classBody);
-      if (type === "}") return cont();
-      if (value === "@") return cont(expression, classBody)
-    }
-    function classfield(type, value) {
-      if (value === "?") return cont(classfield)
-      if (type === ":") return cont(typeexpr, maybeAssign)
-      if (value === "=") return cont(expressionNoComma)
-      return pass(functiondef)
-    }
-    function afterExport(type, value) {
-      if (value === "*") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(maybeFrom, expect(";"));
-      }
-      if (value === "default") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(expression, expect(";"));
-      }
-      if (type === "{") return cont(commasep(exportField, "}"), maybeFrom, expect(";"));
-      return pass(statement);
-    }
-    function exportField(type, value) {
-      if (value === "as") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(expect("variable"));
-      }
-      if (type === "variable") return pass(expressionNoComma, exportField);
-    }
-    function afterImport(type) {
-      if (type === "string") return cont();
-      return pass(importSpec, maybeMoreImports, maybeFrom);
-    }
-    function importSpec(type, value) {
-      if (type === "{") return contCommasep(importSpec, "}");
-      if (type === "variable") register(value);
-      if (value === "*") cx.marked = "keyword";
-      return cont(maybeAs);
-    }
-    function maybeMoreImports(type) {
-      if (type === ",") return cont(importSpec, maybeMoreImports)
-    }
-    function maybeAs(_type, value) {
-      if (value === "as") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(importSpec);
-      }
-    }
-    function maybeFrom(_type, value) {
-      if (value === "from") {
-        cx.marked = "keyword";
-        return cont(expression);
-      }
-    }
-    function arrayLiteral(type) {
-      if (type === "]") return cont();
-      return pass(commasep(expressionNoComma, "]"));
-    }
-    function isContinuedStatement(state, textAfter) {
-      return state.lastType === "operator" || state.lastType === "," ||
-        isOperatorChar.test(textAfter.charAt(0)) ||
-        /[,.]/.test(textAfter.charAt(0));
-    }
-    // Interface
-    return {
-      startState: function(indentUnit) {
-        var state = {
-          tokenize: tokenBase,
-          lastType: "sof",
-          cc: [],
-          lexical: new TSLexical(-indentUnit, 0, "block", false),
-          localVars: parserConfig.localVars,
-          context: parserConfig.localVars && {vars: parserConfig.localVars},
-          indented: 0
-        };
-        if (parserConfig.globalVars && typeof parserConfig.globalVars === "object")
-          state.globalVars = parserConfig.globalVars;
-        return state;
-      },
-      token: function(stream, state) {
-        if (stream.sol()) {
-          if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
-            state.lexical.align = false;
-          state.indented = stream.indentation();
-          findFatArrow(stream, state);
-        }
-        if (state.tokenize != tokenComment && stream.eatSpace()) return null;
-        var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
-        if (type === "comment") return style;
-        state.lastType = type === "operator" && (content === "++" || content === "--") ? "incdec" : type;
-        return parseTS(state, style, type, content, stream);
-      },
-      indent: function(state, textAfter, cx) {
-        if (state.tokenize == tokenComment) return CodeMirror.Pass;
-        if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) return 0;
-        var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), lexical = state.lexical, top
-        // Kludge to prevent 'maybelse' from blocking lexical scope pops
-        if (!/^\s*else\b/.test(textAfter)) for (var i = state.cc.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-          var c = state.cc[i];
-          if (c == poplex) lexical = lexical.prev;
-          else if (c != maybeelse) break;
-        }
-        while ((lexical.type === "stat" || lexical.type === "form") &&
-        (firstChar === "}" || ((top = state.cc[state.cc.length - 1]) &&
-          (top == maybeoperatorComma || top == maybeoperatorNoComma) &&
-          !/^[,\.=+\-*:?[\(]/.test(textAfter))))
-          lexical = lexical.prev;
-        if (statementIndent && lexical.type === ")" && lexical.prev.type === "stat")
-          lexical = lexical.prev;
-        var type = lexical.type, closing = firstChar == type;
-        if (type === "vardef") return lexical.indented + (state.lastType === "operator" || state.lastType === "," ? lexical.info + 1 : 0);
-        else if (type === "form" && firstChar === "{") return lexical.indented;
-        else if (type === "form") return lexical.indented + cx.unit;
-        else if (type === "stat")
-          return lexical.indented + (isContinuedStatement(state, textAfter) ? statementIndent || cx.unit : 0);
-        else if (lexical.info === "switch" && !closing && parserConfig.doubleIndentSwitch != false)
-          return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(textAfter) ? indentUnit : 2 * indentUnit);
-        else if (lexical.align) return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
-        else return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : cx.unit);
-      },
-      electricInput: /^\s*(?:case .*?:|default:|\{|\})$/,
-      blockCommentStart: "/*",
-      blockCommentEnd: "*/",
-      lineComment: "#",
-      fold: "brace",
-      closeBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"``",
-      helperType: "typoscript",
-      expressionAllowed: expressionAllowed,
-      skipExpression: function(state) {
-        var top = state.cc[state.cc.length - 1];
-        if (top == expression || top == expressionNoComma) state.cc.pop()
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return doCreateTypoScriptMode();
-export const typoScriptStreamParser = createTypoScriptMode();
+ * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
+ *
+ * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
+ * of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
+ * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
+ *
+ * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
+ */
+class TSLexical{constructor(e,t,a,r,i,n){this.indented=e,this.column=t,this.type=a,this.prev=i,this.info=n,null!=r&&(this.align=r)}}function expressionAllowed(e,t){return/^(?:operator|sof|keyword c|case|new|export|default|[\[{}\(,;:]|=>)$/.test(t.lastType)}export class TypoScriptStreamParserFactory{create(){const e=/[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/,t={name:"typoscript",localVars:void 0,doubleIndentSwitch:!1},a=function(){function e(e){return{type:e,style:"keyword"}}const t=e("keyword a"),a=e("keyword 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t=e.length-1;t>=0;t--)u.cc.push(e[t])}function g(...e){return m(...e),!0}function f(e){const t=u.state;if(u.marked="def",t.context){if(function(t){for(let a=t;a;a=a.next)if(a.name==e)return!0;return!1}(t.localVars))return;t.localVars={name:e,next:t.localVars}}}function b(e,t){const a=function(){const a=u.state;let r=a.indented;if("stat"===a.lexical.type)r=a.lexical.indented;else for(let e=a.lexical;e&&")"===e.type&&e.align;e=e.prev)r=e.indented;a.lexical=new TSLexical(r,u.stream.column(),e,null,a.lexical,t)};return a.lex=!0,a}function h(){const e=u.state;e.lexical.prev&&(")"===e.lexical.type&&(e.indented=e.lexical.indented),e.lexical=e.lexical.prev)}function T(e){return function t(a){return a==e?g():";"===e?m():g(t)}}function y(e,t){return"keyword a"===e?g(b("form"),I,y,h):"keyword b"===e?g(b("form"),y,h):"{"===e?g(b("}"),W,h):";"===e?g():"variable"===e?g(b("stat"),A):"import"===e?g(b("stat"),O,h):"@"===t?g(C,y):m(b("stat"),C,T(";"),h)}function C(e){return S(e,!1)}function x(e){return S(e,!0)}function I(e){return"("!==e?m():g(b(")"),C,T(")"),h)}function S(e,t){const a=t?E:L;return c.hasOwnProperty(e)?g(a):"keyword c"===e?g(t?_:w):"("===e?g(b(")"),w,T(")"),h,a):"operator"===e?g(t?x:C):"{"===e?v(R,"}",null,a):g()}function w(e){return e.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)?m():m(C)}function _(e){return e.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)?m():m(x)}function L(e,t){return","===e?g(C):E(e,t,!1)}function E(e,t,a){const r=0==a?L:E,i=0==a?C:x;return"operator"===e?/\+\+|--/.test(t)?g(r):"?"===t?g(C,T(":"),i):g(i):";"!==e?"("===e?v(x,")","call",r):"."===e?g(k,r):"["===e?g(b("]"),w,T("]"),h,r):void 0:void 0}function A(e){return":"===e?g(h,y):m(L,T(";"),h)}function k(e){if("variable"===e)return u.marked="property",g()}function R(e){return"async"===e?(u.marked="property",g(R)):"variable"===e||"keyword"===u.style?(u.marked="property",g(P)):"number"===e||"string"===e?(u.marked=u.style+" property",g(P)):"modifier"===e?g(R):":"===e?m(P):void 0}function P(e){if(":"===e)return g(x)}function v(e,t,a,...r){for(const e of r)u.cc.push(e);return g(b(t,a),function(e,t,a){function r(i,n){if(a?a.indexOf(i)>-1:","===i){const a=u.state.lexical;return"call"===a.info&&(a.pos=(a.pos||0)+1),g((function(a,r){return a==t||r==t?m():m(e)}),r)}return i==t||n==t?g():g(T(t))}return function(a,i){return a==t||i==t?g():m(e,r)}}(e,t),h)}function W(e){return"}"===e?g():m(y,W)}function O(e){return"string"===e?g():m(M,F,U)}function M(e,t){return"{"===e?v(M,"}"):("variable"===e&&f(t),"*"===t&&(u.marked="keyword"),g(N))}function F(e){if(","===e)return g(M,F)}function N(e,t){if("as"===t)return u.marked="keyword",g(M)}function U(e,t){if("from"===t)return u.marked="keyword",g(C)}h.lex=!0;return new class{constructor(){this.electricInput=/^\s*(?:case .*?:|default:|\{|\})$/,this.blockCommentStart="/*",this.blockCommentEnd="*/",this.lineComment="#",this.fold="brace",this.closeBrackets="(){}''\"\"`",this.helperType="typoscript",this.name="TypoScript"}startState(e){return{tokenize:l,lastType:"sof",cc:[],lexical:new TSLexical(-e,0,"block",!1),localVars:t.localVars,context:t.localVars&&{vars:t.localVars},indented:0}}token(e,t){if(e.sol()&&(t.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align")||(t.lexical.align=!1),t.indented=e.indentation()),t.tokenize!=d&&e.eatSpace())return null;const a=t.tokenize(e,t);return"comment"===i?a:(t.lastType="operator"!==i||"++"!==n&&"--"!==n?i:"incdec",function(e,t,a,r,i){const n=e.cc;for(u.state=e,u.stream=i,u.marked=null,u.cc=n,u.style=t,e.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align")||(e.lexical.align=!0);;){const i=n.length?n.pop():y;if("function"==typeof i&&i(a,r)){for(;n.length&&n[n.length-1]&&n[n.length-1].lex;)n.pop()();return u.marked?u.marked:"variable"===a&&p(e,r)?"variable-2":t}}}(t,a,i,n,e))}indent(e,a,i){if(e.tokenize==d)return null;if(e.tokenize!=l)return 0;const n=a&&a.charAt(0);let o,s=e.lexical;for(;("stat"===s.type||"form"===s.type)&&("}"===n||(o=e.cc[e.cc.length-1])&&(o==L||o==E)&&!/^[,\.=+\-*:?[\(]/.test(a));)s=s.prev;const c=s.type,p=n==c;return"form"===c&&"{"===n?s.indented:"form"===c?s.indented+i.unit:"stat"===c?s.indented+(function(e,t){return"operator"===e.lastType||","===e.lastType||r.test(t.charAt(0))||/[,.]/.test(t.charAt(0))}(e,a)?i.unit:0):"switch"!==s.info||p||0==t.doubleIndentSwitch?s.align?s.column+(p?0:1):s.indented+(p?0:i.unit):s.indented+(/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(a)?i.unit:2*i.unit)}expressionAllowed(e,t){return expressionAllowed(e,t)}}}}
\ No newline at end of file