From 09af6ee64642a20137dddb550a4acdd159edf532 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Elmar Hinz <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 12:05:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [TASK] Unit test to cover stdWrap_brTag

Resolves: #76307
Releases: master
Change-Id: Ie75ab139102cedb6e5bc01ffb59bbf51c900dded
Reviewed-by: Frank Naegler <>
Tested-by: Frank Naegler <>
Reviewed-by: Morton Jonuschat <>
Tested-by: Morton Jonuschat <>
 .../ContentObjectRendererTest.php             | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+)

diff --git a/typo3/sysext/frontend/Tests/Unit/ContentObject/ContentObjectRendererTest.php b/typo3/sysext/frontend/Tests/Unit/ContentObject/ContentObjectRendererTest.php
index ee5fa803f135..b145fcd05ced 100755
--- a/typo3/sysext/frontend/Tests/Unit/ContentObject/ContentObjectRendererTest.php
+++ b/typo3/sysext/frontend/Tests/Unit/ContentObject/ContentObjectRendererTest.php
@@ -2575,6 +2575,40 @@ class ContentObjectRendererTest extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\UnitTestCase
         $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
+    public function stdWrapBrTagDataProvider()
+    {
+        $noConfig = [];
+        $config1 = ['brTag' => '<br/>'];
+        $config2 = ['brTag' => '<br>'];
+        return [
+            'no config: one break at the beginning' => [LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', 'onetwo', $noConfig],
+            'no config: multiple breaks at the beginning' => [LF . LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', 'onetwo', $noConfig],
+            'no config: one break at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF, 'onetwo', $noConfig],
+            'no config: multiple breaks at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF . LF, 'onetwo', $noConfig],
+            'config1: one break at the beginning' => [LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', '<br/>one<br/>two', $config1],
+            'config1: multiple breaks at the beginning' => [LF . LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', '<br/><br/>one<br/>two', $config1],
+            'config1: one break at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF, 'one<br/>two<br/>', $config1],
+            'config1: multiple breaks at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF . LF, 'one<br/>two<br/><br/>', $config1],
+            'config2: one break at the beginning' => [LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', '<br>one<br>two', $config2],
+            'config2: multiple breaks at the beginning' => [LF . LF . 'one' . LF . 'two', '<br><br>one<br>two', $config2],
+            'config2: one break at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF, 'one<br>two<br>', $config2],
+            'config2: multiple breaks at the end' => ['one' . LF . 'two' . LF . LF, 'one<br>two<br><br>', $config2],
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Check if brTag works properly
+     *
+     * @test
+     * @dataProvider stdWrapBrTagDataProvider
+     */
+    public function stdWrap_brTag($input, $expected, $config)
+    {
+        $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->subject->stdWrap_brTag($input, $config));
+    }
     // Tests concerning getData()